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南京理工大学继续教育学院 教 案 2013 ~2014学年第 一 学期 课 程 名 称 大学英语 总学时 102 讲课 实验 上机 系 (部) 授 课 班 级 11数控1\11数控2 主 讲 教 师 王艺 职 称 助理讲师 教材名称 《新发展英语》 教材作者 晨梅梅 教材出版社 外语教学研究出版社 教材出版时间 2007版 二○一四年二月 课时教案 第 1 次课 2 学时 授课题目 Unit One English Language -----New words, Fact Searching and Reading analysis * 授课方式 (请打√) 理论课√ 讨论课□ 实验课□ 上机□ 习题课□ 其他□ 教学目的、要求:(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次) 1.To know the new words and phrases and get the main idea of the passage 2.To finish Fact Searching and Reading analysis 教学重点及难点: 重点:To recite the new word and phrases and get the main idea of the passage 难点:To search the facts and finish reading analysis 教 学 基 本 内 容 方法及手段 Step I :Preparation(3’× 2) Step II :Presentation Practice (30’ × 2) . 2. To recite the new word and phrases and manange to use them 3. To ask Ss to finish some translations to test what they have learned by themselves. StepIII: Consolidation (5’ ?2) IMake a conclusion of the class. StepIV: Homework(2?2n’) To review the words or phrases To finish the exercise on P8-9 Giving dome tips Encourage Ss to speak 作业、讨论题、思考题:P8-9 课后分析小结:To foster the Ss ability to study on their own.Keep on trainging in the following lessons 课时教案 第 2 次课 2 学时 授课题目 Unit One English Language -----Intensive reading (Britsh or American English?) # 授课方式 (请打√) 理论课√ 讨论课□ 实验课□ 上机□ 习题课□ 其他□ 教学目的、要求:(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次) 1.To know the main idea of the passage 2.To know the usages of some new words and expressions 教学重点及难点: 重点:To know the usages of some new words and expressions 难点:To know some key strutures 教 学 基 本 内 容 方法及手段 Step I :Preparation(3’ × 2) Step II :Presentation Practice (30’ × 2) 1.To underline the new words and phrases in the passage and mark the Chinese. 2.To know the key strutures of the passage 1.To underline the new words and phrases in the passage and mark the Chinese. 2.To know the key strutures of the passage StepIII: Consolidation (5’ ?2) IMake a conclusion of the class. StepIV: Homework(2’ ?2) 1.kTo revi


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