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. . Metal enclosure.金属外壳 Wetness. 雨天 Restricted entry. 限制入口 Heavier than air gas. 比重比空气重的气体 Welder inside or on work piece. 在工件上面或里面焊接 Welding in Confined Space 受限空间的焊接 Factors to Consider注意因素 . Carefully evaluate adequacy of ventilation. 注意通风 Apply basic electric shock precaution. 提供基本电击预防 Method of welder retrieval from outside enclosure.了解焊机接通方案 General safe work practices for confined space to be apply掌握基本的安全技术 Permit to work shall be apply办理许可证 Always check with your welding supervisor/ foreman or safety officer before to start to work in confined space工作前向管理员/工头/安全员确认 Welding in Confined Space 受限空间的焊接 Precaution预防 . Execute Gas Test before to work 工作前进行气体测验 Shut off gas supply at cylinders and torch valves outside confined spaces 关闭受限空间外气瓶与焊把阀门 Ensure all containers contacting toxic or flammable substances are either filled with water, cleaned, vented, and tested before welding, cutting, or heating 确保在焊接,切割或者加热前,所有的容器与有毒有害物资或者易燃物资接触过的充满水,清洗,通风以及测试 Fire Precaution for Confined Space受限空间火灾预防 . Remove torches and hoses from confined spaces at shift change and overnight 下班后,将焊把和软管从受限空间内拿出来。 Prevent residue buildup. Ensure containers are vented before welding, cutting, or heating 防止残渣残留。在焊接,切割和加热前确保容器有足够的通风 CO2 fire extinguisher can not be used 受限空间灭火器不能选择二氧化碳灭火器 Fire Precaution for Confined Space受限空间火灾预防 . 磨光机的采购要求 . 避免火星向上,应向一侧或向下 Avoid sending sparks upward. Where practical, direct sparks sideways or downward 。 检查火花可能伤及到人或财产的周围区域,确保没有可以点燃的材料 Check the surrounding area for any people or property that might be hit by sparks. Make sure there are no flammables that could be ignited Grinding machine and operation打磨机械与操作 . 在更换或安装砂轮及刀具前,拔掉工具的插头。 Always unplug the tool before replacing or installing stones, disks, and cutters 使用电焊遮光罩或其他适合的屏障,预防火花及碎屑 Use welding screens or other suitable barriers to contain sparks and grindings Grinding machine and operation打磨机械与操作 . G


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