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医学课件Health While

THANK YOU VERY MUCH Least danger of spontaneous abortion or premature labor Third trimester should defer travel – access to medical care in case of problem such as HT, pre-mature labour Air travel in late pregnancy might precipitate labour * Poliomyelitis is still active in Afghanistan, Cameroon (Africa), Central African, Guinea, Liberia * Typhoid fever vaccine One dose last for 3 years Vaccination should be completed at least one week before you travel. Japanese Encephalitis日本腦炎 Culex mosquitoes 庫列蚊叮咬而傳播 breed where there is abundant water such as rice paddies and feed mainly on domestic animals such as pigs庫列蚊主要在水源豐富的地區(如稻田) Most infections are asymptomatic大部分受感染人士並沒有任何徵狀。 headache, fever, nausea and vomiting.頭痛、發燒、噁心和嘔吐 Severe cases may progress to confusion and coma. The mortality can be as high as 35%. About 30% of those who survive may have severe nervous system damage like paralysis. 。情況嚴重的會進一步惡化以致昏迷及神志不清。死亡率會高達百分之三十五。即使生存下來的人士,約有百分之三十會有神經系統損壞如癱瘓。 Japanese Encephalitis日本腦炎 rural and agricultural areas 鄉村及農業地域 Over 50,000 cases are reported annually from Southeast Asia, India, China, Japan and Korea. 每年在東南亞、印度、中國、日本及韓國共有超過五萬宗病例。 China, Japan and Korea - April to September 溫帶地區如中國、日本及韓國等,高危期間為四月至九月 Northern India and Nepal - June to November.北印度及尼泊爾,高危期則為六月至十一月。 Japanese Encephalitis日本腦炎疫苗 mainly for persons spending 30 days or more in a rural agricultural endemic area during the transmission season.在高危時期前往疫區的鄉郊和農村、而又逗留超過三十日的人士應接受疫苗。 3 doses on days 0, 7 and 30皮下注射三針,分別於0, 7 及 30天注射。 Prevent Infectious Disease Vaccines Oral Drug Vector prevention Malaria瘧疾 bite of an infective female Anopheles mosquito.瘧蚊叮咬而傳播 chills, fever, sweating, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness.發冷、發燒、冒汗、頭痛、肌肉痛和疲倦。 mental disturbances, convulsions and various blood and kidney disorders. Can lead to death within 24 hours.影響中央神經系統 - 神智不清、抽筋、血液和腎臟問題,患者可於24小時內死亡。 2002 西太平洋區瘧疾疫情資料 國家 確診病例 瘧疾死亡 巴布亞新磯內亞 79,822 647 所羅門群島 74,865 61 越南 47,807 50 柬埔寨 46,902 457 菲律賓 37,005 71 中國 25,520


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