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Fasciolopsis Buski (布氏姜片吸虫) Introduction Fasciolopsis buski(布氏姜片吸虫) is prevalent(流行的) in Southeast Asia and living in the small intestine(小肠) of humans and pigs, so it is also called Asia Giant Intestinal Fluke. The prevalence of fasciolopsiasis(布氏姜片吸虫病) is related to growing water plants and feeding pigs on water plants. Morphology(病原形态) 1. Adult: the body is long elliptic(椭圆形的), flesh-colored, looks like a slice of raw meat. The size is about 20~75× 8~20 ×0.5~3mm, the largest one of human trematodes(吸虫). The ventral sucker(腹吸盘) is nearby the much smaller oral sucker(口吸盘). Two coral-liked testes are located in the posterior half of the body. Epidemiology (流行病学) This disease occurs in Asia and the Indian subcontinent, especially in areas where humans raise pigs and consume raw aquatic plants(水生植物). Life cycle(生活史) 1. Site of inhabitation(寄生部位): small intestine 2. Infective stage: metacercaria(囊蚴) 3. Infective mode: eating raw water plants with metacercariae 4. Medium of water plants: chestnut, water bamboo and caltrop 5. Intermediate host(中间宿主): segmentina(扁卷螺) 6. Reservoir host(保虫宿主): pig 7. Life span: 1-4 years Symptoms(症状) Most infections are light and asymptomatic(无症状的). In heavier infections, symptoms include diarrhea(下痢), abdominal pain(腹痛), fever, ascites(腹水), anasarca(全身水肿), and intestinal obstruction(肠梗阻). Diagnosis(诊断) Stool examination(粪检): 1. Direct fecal smear(直接涂片法) 2. Water sedimentation method (沉淀法) Treatment and Prevention(防治) 1. Treatment (1)Dipterex(敌百虫) (2)Bitin(别丁) (3)Praziquantel(吡喹酮) (4)Amosconate (硝硫氰胺) (5)Nitroscanate (硝硫氰醚) 2. Comprehensive Prevention (1) Health education (2) Feces management(粪便处理) (3) Periodic deworming(定期驱虫) (4) Snail control (5)Management of pig husbanandry: avoid feeding pigs on raw water plants References(参考文献) Fasciolopsiasis at Stanford.edu. Retrieved 2007-07-03. Weng YL, Zhuang ZL, Jiang HP, Lin GR, Lin JJ (1


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