Section 4-6 Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations:第4-6使用矩阵来解决系统的方程.ppt

Section 4-6 Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations:第4-6使用矩阵来解决系统的方程.ppt

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Section 4-6 Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations:第4-6使用矩阵来解决系统的方程

Section 4-6 Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations SOL AII.12 Matrix Equations We have solved systems using graphing, but now we learn how to do it using matrices. This will be particularly useful when we have equations with three variables. Matrix Equation Before you start, make sure that both of your equations are in standard form and the variables are in the same order (alphabetical usually is best). Setting up the Matrix Equation Given a system of equations -2x - 6y = 0 3x + 11y = 4 Since there are 2 equations, there will be 2 rows. Since there are 2 variables, there will be 2 columns. Setting up the Matrix Equation There are 3 parts to a matrix equation 1)The coefficient matrix, 2)the variable matrix, and 3)the constant matrix. -2x - 6y = 0 3x + 11y = 4 The coefficients are placed into the coefficient matrix. -2x - 6y = 0 3x + 11y = 4 Your variable matrix will consist of a column. -2x - 6y = 0 3x + 11y = 4 The matrices are multiplied and represent the left side of our matrix equation. -2x - 6y = 0 3x + 11y = 4 The right side consists of our constants. Two equations = two rows. -2x - 6y = 0 3x + 11y = 4 Now put them together. Create a matrix equation 3x - 2y = 7 y + 4x = 8 Put them in Standard Form. Write your equation. Create a matrix equation 3a - 5b + 2c = 9 4a + 7b + c = 3 2a - c = 12 To solve matrix equations, get the variable matrix alone on one side. Get rid of the coefficient matrix by multiplying by its inverse When solving matrix equations we will always multiply by the inverse matrix on the left of the coefficient and constant matrix. (remember commutative property does not hold!!) The left side of the equation simplifies to the identity times the variable matrix. Giving us just the variable matrix. Using the calculator we can simplify the left side. The coefficient matrix will be A and the constant matrix will be B. We then find A-1B. The right side simplifies to give us our answer. x = -6 y = 2 You can check


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