【精品】1、大型科学仪器设备分类标准和共享 ..25.ppt

【精品】1、大型科学仪器设备分类标准和共享 ..25.ppt

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【精品】1、大型科学仪器设备分类标准和共享 ..25

GEMI Quick Survey Results: Employee Environmental Awareness;1a. What Methods Do You Feel Are Most Effective in Communicating Environmental Messages to Your Employees? (Check ALL that apply);1b. From The Choices Listed in 1a, List Your TOP 3 methods in Order of Effectiveness;1b. From The Choices Listed in 1a, List Your TOP 3 methods in Order of Effectiveness (cont’d);1b. From The Choices Listed in 1a, List Your TOP 3 methods in Order of Effectiveness (cont’d);2. Do Your Employees Receive Questions From Friends Neighbors About the Impact of Your Company on the Environment?;3. What Creative or Educational Methods are You Utilizing to Communicate Environmental Messages to Your Employees?;4. Are Your Communications Intended to Focus on Getting Information to Your Employees or Do Your Expect Them to Carry a Message to Their Community?;5. Is the Environmental Communication at Your Company Focused on Compliance?;6. What are the Most Significant Environmental Issues Facing Your Company?;7. Have You Been Able to Document Any Measurable Benefit From Your Employee Environmental Communications Effort. If YES, in What Way?;8. Do Your Employees Want to be More Informed About the Environmental Issues Facing Your Company or Industry?;9. When You Have Multiple or Complex Environmental Information That You Would Like to Communicate to Your Employees, What Communication Methods Seem to Have the Greatest Impact Most Retention?;10. In Order to Garner Employee Interest, Do You Share Specifics of the Potential Economic or Other Business Risks Associated With Environmental Issues?;10. (cont’d) Have you found this to be effective?;-KG#DXzTvPrhneka:62=N)J%FZBVxSuOqgmc 9;5~1+L*H$EYAUwQsipflb^73`0-KG#CWzTvPrhndka:62=M(J%FZBVxRtOqgmc 8.5~1+L*H!DYAUwQsioflb^73@N-KG#CWySvPrhnd 9:62=M(I$FZBVxRtjqgmc 8.4`1+L*H!DXzUwQsioekb^73@N)JG#CWySuPrhnd 9;52=M(I$EYBVxRtjpfmc 8.4`0-L*H!DXzTwQsioeka:73@N)J%F#CWySuOqhnd 9;5~1=M(I$EYAVxRtjpflb 8.4`0-KH!DXzTvPsioeka:63@N)J%FZCWySuOqgmd 9;5~1+L(I$EYAUwRtjpflb^7.4`



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