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医学英语论文写作—— 讨论部分 郑州大学第一附属医院 泌尿外科 孟庆军 讨论是论文的核心部分,对研究结果的思考、理论分析和科学推论的过程。从多层次、多方位,不同的深度和广度丰富和提高对研究结果的认识。是将研究结果表象的感性认识升华为本质的理性认识。 具体来讲,重点在于对研究结果的解释和推断,并说明作者的结果是否支持或反对某种观点、是否提出了新的问题或观点等。 一. 有关本课题研究背景、进展、拟解决的 问题, 简要的概述国内外对本课题的研究 近况,以及本研究的结论和结果与国际、 国内先进水平相比居于什么地位。做本 研究能够在以前的基础上解决什么问题。 例1. A Novel Transactivating Factor That Regulates Interferon--dependent Gene Expression*(Junbo Hu+§, 孟庆军等) THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTR Vol. 277, No. 33, p. 30253–30263, 2002 We have previously identified a novel interferon(IFN)-stimulated cis-acting enhancer element,-IFN-activated transcriptional element (GATE). GATE differs from the known IFN-stimulated elements in its primary sequence. 二. 本研究之所以选题的原因,目的。并针对 研究目的,对自己的研究结果进行说明和 解释,重点说明该项研究的创造性、先进性 及其在实践中的意义。 例1. 带蒂肾上腺背部皮下移位术治疗肾上腺皮髄质增生(孟庆军,中华泌尿外科杂志2009,2:81-84) 术前诊断为皮质和(或)髓质增生,术后病理为皮质髓质混合性增生L1。2],此种少见的类型近年来报道有增多趋势。 传统手术方法主张一侧肾上腺全切及对侧肾上腺大部切除,大多数患者效果满意,但仍有部分患者症状复发或出现皮质功能低下。 1991年我们首次报道以带蒂肾上腺背部皮下移位术治疗库兴综合征[5],10余年来在我科已成为一种成熟的方法,相继成功治疗皮质醇症、原发性醛固酮增多症和 .......... 例2 Comparison between ultrasound and noncontrast helical computed tomography for identification of acute ureterolithiasis in a teaching hospital setting Escola Paulista de Medicina ........One advantage of our study was the short time interval between the US and CT examinations, with an average interval of four hours. This was a limitation in previous studies, in which CT and US were obtained with longer intervals between them. Shorter intervals minimize the likelihood that the stone could have passed through prior to the second examination.15 Varanelli et al.32 investigated the relationship between duration of the flank pain and frequency of secondary signs of ureteral obstruction on unenhanced helical CT. Their study demonstrated that all the secondary signs, except nephromegaly, showed significantly increased frequency as the duration of flank pain increased. In our data, there was no statistical significance between the dura


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