六年级英语下册《Module 3 Unit 9》课件之一(广州版).ppt

六年级英语下册《Module 3 Unit 9》课件之一(广州版).ppt

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六年级英语下册《Module 3 Unit 9》课件之一(广州版)

Let’s talk 向同学介绍你所认识的名人! There was a great heroine in ancient China. She was Mulan. Mulan lived about 2,600 years age. Her father was a solider. He taught his three children everything about fighting(打仗). One day, the emperor ordered Mulan’s father to go to the north, but he was old and sick. Mulan loved her father. She dress in man’s clothes. Then she rode a horse and went to fight. Mulan was a very good solider for twelve years. No one knew she was a girl. She became very important. She was a brave woman who loved her family and country. Years later, the fighting stopped. They asked Mulan to be one of the emperor’s top soldiers. But Mulan dress in girl’s clothes and went home with her family. 判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致,一致的,请在题目前的括号内写“T”,不一致的,请写“F”。 ( ) 1. Mulan learned fight from her father. ( ) 2. The emperor ordered Mulan’s father to fight for the country. ( ) 3. Mulan was braved than her father. ( ) 4. Mulan loved her father and her family. ( ) 5. Mulan went fighting for more than twelve years. ( ) 6. Finally, Mulan became one of the emperor’s top soldiers. * ① ② ③ ④ 毛泽东 (1893 ~1976 ) (湖南) 周恩来 (1898~1976) (江苏) 邓小平 (1904~1997 ) (四川) 鲁迅 (1881~1936 ) (绍兴) ① ② ③ ④ 毛泽东 (1893 ~1976 ) 周恩来 (1898~1976) 邓小平 (1904~1997 ) 鲁迅 (1881~1936 ) (湖南) (江苏) (四川) (绍兴) the father of modern China against Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall a famous historical person *


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