六年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 2 What Shall We Do》课件1 广州版课件.ppt

六年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 2 What Shall We Do》课件1 广州版课件.ppt

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六年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 2 What Shall We Do》课件1 广州版课件

* Unit2 What should I do(二) * Unit2 What should I do(二) Unit2 What should I do Discuss: When you choose clothes, what is important to you ? 1. They are original. 2. They are comfortable. 3. They are the same as my friends’ clothes. 4. They are in style. 5. They are inexpensive. 6. They are colorful. Words original 新颖的 the same as 与 一样 in style 时髦的;流行的 haircut 理发;发型 except 除;把 除外 upset 心烦的;沮丧的 fail 失败 get on 相处;进展 didn’t = did not couldn’t= could not Listen and check Erin’s problem. Listening ____ My friend has nicer clothes than I do. ____ My friend wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as I do. ____ I don’t like my friend’s clothes and haircut. √ Listen again and complete the chart. Listening Emilio Nicole Kim Advice Person Tell your friend to get different clothes and a different haircut. Be happy that your friend likes your clothes and haircut. Find a new best friend. Speaking What’s your advice for Erin? Tell your partner and say why. A: I think Erin should tell her friend to get different clothes. B: Why? A: Because friends shouldn’t wear the same clothes. Language focus 1. find/ find out / look for 的区别: find意为“找到”,重在寻找的结果。 而look for 才是“寻找”的过程。 Find out则是通过调查、探索而“弄清、查明”事实的真相。 例如:I looked for my keys everywhere , and at last I found them. 我到处找我的钥匙,最后我找到了。 Have you found out why he was late? 你弄清楚了他为什么迟到吗? 2. else: 意为“另外的、其他的”,与other同义。但 常接在疑问代词、不定代词之后。 例如: Who else is coming? Anything else I can do for you ? 3. except: 表示“除什么之外”,是在整体中除去一部分,后接名词或代词。 例如:We all succeeded except Tom. Listening Answer the following question. What’s the boy’s problem? His friends were planning a birthday party for his best friend, but they didn’t invite him. Writing Think of some advice for “lonely kid”. Dear lonely kid, There are a lot of things you could do you could___________________________ ___________. Or maybe you sho


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