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中 文 摘 要 本论文分为四个部分,主要研究了非交换 O rlic z 空间的一些结论 . 第一部分介绍了研究背景及预备知识 . 第二部分包括四节内容 . 在第一节中,我们给出了增长函数的关系定理和一些性质.在 第二节中,我们得到了关于非交换 O rlic z 空间的基本内容 . 在第三节中,我们证明了非交换 O rlicz-H a r dy 空 间 的 Szeg 和 R iesz型分解定理 . 在第四节中讨论了外算子分解定理 . 第三部分我们首先证明了条件期望 S 的收缩性,其次证明了迹子代数乂有 i 夂分解当 且仅当乂是次对角子代数 . 另外还给出了次对角子代数的一些特征 . 第四部分中我们讨论了非交换 O rlic z 模空间且证明了控制收敛定理,Y o u n g 不等式和 Clarkson-McCarthy 不等式 . 关键词 :增长函数,非 交 换O rlic z 空间,非 交 换 O rlicz-H a r dy 空间,非 交 换 O rlic z 模空 间. English Abstract This thesis is devoted to study the noncommutative Orlicz spaces and which is divided into four sections and stated as follows: In the first section, we give the research status and present some notations together w ith definitions. In section two, we consider the relationships of growth functions and some properties of the functions, some basic results of noncommutative Orlicz spaces associated w ith growth functions and N-functions, the Szego and Riesz type factorization theorems of noncommu­ tative Orlicz-Hardy spaces and inner-outer factorizations for noncommutative Orlicz-Hardy spaces. In section three, we proved contractivity of conditional expectation E and tracial subal­ gebra A of M has 々 -factorization if and only if A is a subdiagonal algebra. We also give some characterizations of subdiagonal algebras. In section four, we study the noncommutative Orlicz m odular spaces associated w ith growth functions. We prove dominated convergence theorems, Young inequalities and Clarkson- M cCarthy inequalities for this spaces. K e y w o r ds : growth functions, noncommutative Orlicz spaces, noncommutative Orlicz- Hardy spaces, noncommutative Orlicz modular space.


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