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GRE基础班讲义 Ⅰ 整体介绍 出国考试介绍:吗 语言测试: TOEFL, IELTS 学术智力测试: SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT 考试特点:词汇, 速度, 逻辑的三个方面的相辅相成的考察. GRE考试介绍 全称: Graduate Record Examination 俗称: God Reading English 类型: 一般GRE 考试/ general gre 专项GRE 考试/ gre sub GRE SUB 针对考生类型 竞争激烈的部分专业考生: computer, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry等 Transfer majors 转专业考生(证明学术能力的方式) GRE General 考试流程 类型: split test (mainland, hongkong, Taiwan, korea) 报名: 关于analytical writing (AW): 8:00—8:30 进考场, 填写个人信息. 9点开始考试, 45+30 分钟, 满分6分. 关于纸笔考试: 2个verbal, 2个quantitative, 各30分钟, 无break. 各800分, 共1600分.… 类型: argument 驳论文 242道题 收敛式思维, 严谨性思维 Issue 立论文 244道题 深度思维 要求: ?insightful position ?compelling reasons persuasive examples ?well-focused ?well-organized ?sentence variety effective vocabulary etymology (bible, Greek myth ) 精髓: logic + relation Not language 关于GRE 考试中所设计的分项 单词问题:识记、保持、再认和回忆一般记住后,在5分后重复一遍,30分后再重复一遍,12小时后,1天后,2天后,4天后,7天后,15天后就会记得很牢 % N# G% @# k T8 k2 T J 填空的问题…) 熟做题目(陈圣元) 熟析句式(服务阅读和写作) 熟练逻辑(同义反义逻辑)—因为爱, 所以爱; 因为地是湿的, 所以地是湿的; 填空的正确率是建立在你对长句的把握单词的认识上的。$ e- \ x??P4 o/ t n 阅读的问题) E3 V7 U! H2 [# g4 @1 l [3 A+ [! O) u A1 K A 类比反义…steps had to be studied very carefully before they could be gracefully … in public. A progressive…revealed B intricate…executed 执行 C rudimentary…allowed D minute…discussed E entertaining … stylized 程式化 2. Despite the …of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize “pop culture” as a key for …the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society. A antipathy…entangling 反感 纠缠 B discernment… evaluating 识别能力 评估 C pedantry… reinstating 卖弄学问 使恢复原职 D skepticism… deciphering 怀疑 解码 E enthusiasm… symbolizing 热情 象征 3 Rather than enhancing a country’s security, the successful development of nuclear weapons could serve at first to increase that country’s ….. A boldness B influence C responsibility D moderation E vulnerability 4 Queen Elizabeth I has quite correctly been called a … of the


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