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摘要 随着科研和生产技术的不断发展,先进的计算机信息管理方式逐渐取代传统的手工管理模式,数据处理量急速增加,不断更新,使原有数据组织和管理的模式同现代化的数据查询和统计的要求不相适应。信息作为管理的基础,是进行决策的的基本依据。在一个组织里,信息己作为人力、物力、财力之外的第四种能源,占有重要的地位。然而,信息是一种非物质的,有别于基本资源的新形式的资源。随着计算机技术的进步发展,使计算机完成对信息的收集、分析和处理的管理手段应运而生,并逐渐扩展到各行各业等生活多个管理方面。教师科研管理系统也成为学校对教师管理中不可缺少的一部分。 以往的教师科研管理方法是使用人工的方法管理文件档案,这种管理方式存在许多的缺点:效率低、保密差,另外时间一长,将产生大量的文件和数据,这对于查找、更新和维护都带来不少的困难。随着科学技术的不断提高,计算机已经进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。作为计算机应用的一部分,实用技术对科研项目信息进行管理,具有手工管理所无法比拟的优点。例如:查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等。 在这一背景下,一项能对学校教师科技成果管理实现信息化管理系统——教师科技成果管理系统出现了,并在实际中得到了广泛的应用。 本系统基于B/S系统实现了教师科技成果的信息化管理与维护。 关键字:管理;系统;开发;科技成果 Abstract With the continuous development of scientific research and production technology , advanced computer information management gradually replace the traditional manual management mode, the data handling capacity increased rapidly , constantly updated, so that the original data organization and management model with modern data query and statistics not meet the requirements . Information as a basis for management decision-making is the fundamental basis of . In an organization , the information has been used as a fourth energy human, material and financial resources beyond , occupies an important position . However, the information is a non- material , unlike the new forms of basic resources resources. With the development of computer technology, the computer to complete the collection of information , analysis and processing management tools have emerged , and gradually extended to all walks of life , such as multiple management . Teacher research management system has also become school teachers indispensable part of the management . Former teacher research management approach is to use artificial methods to manage paper files , there are many shortcomings of this management approach : low efficiency, poor , in addition , over time, will produce a large number of documents and data , which for the search, update and maintain have brought many difficulties. With the continuous improvemen


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