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课 题 设 计 论 文课题名称: 基于PLC智能抢答器设计 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 2015年11月 1 日摘 要PLC的应用领域已经拓宽到了各个领域,在日常生活中,智能抢答器广泛的应用于各种竞赛和抢答场合。由于PLC系统的抢答器相对稳定,所以设想可以利用PLC进行抢答器的设计。 开始抢答前,主持人首先通过复位按钮实现电路复位,在提问之后,打开选择开关启动定时器。在抢答限时内,当某一组抢先按下抢答按钮后,对应的辅助继电器接通,同时切断其它抢答回路,实现互锁。抢答成功后,辅助继电器接通,启动音效电路和某分台指示灯,驱动外部数码显示器显示抢答成功组号。抢答成功后,同时启动定时器,当定时器计时结束,启动音效电路和指示灯提示回答时间到。如果在限时内无人抢答,则启动音效电路和总台指示灯。关键词 抢答器;可编程控制器; ABSTRACT PLC application field has been broaden from various fields, in daily life, intelligent vies to answer first device widely used in various competitions and vies to answer first occasion. Due to the PLC system responder relative stability, so imagine can use PLC for the design of the responder. Before start vies to answer first, the first through the reset button realize circuit reset, the questions later, open the selector switch start timer. In vies to answer first time, when a group of preemptive press vies to answer first button, the corresponding auxiliary relay on, at the same time cut off other vies to answer first circuit, realize interlock. Vies to answer first after the success of the auxiliary relay on, start sound circuit and some points table lamp, drive external digital display shows vies to answer first successful group number. After the success of the vies to answer first, and the launch of the timer, when the timer timing over, start sound circuit and light hint time to answer. If the time no contest, will enable audio circuit and desk lamp.Key word: responder; PLC (programmable logic controller);目????录1 绪论1 1.1 PLC的认识11.2 PLC的应用和特点12 设计目的及要求32.1 设计目的32.2 基本要求33 硬件电路设计43.1 PLC工作原理43.2 PLC机型选择步骤与原则63.3 PLC的容量包括I/O点数和用户存储容量两个方面83.4 控制要求分析83.5 抢答电路分析83.6 程序流程图104 软件设计114.1 I/O分配表114.2根据控制要求进行梯形图设计125 仿真与调试225.1 仿真软件GX Developer8.0概要及特点225.2 系统的仿真225.3 工作过程分析23致谢错误!未定义书签。附录24参考文献251 绪论1.1 PLC的认识PLC是专为在工业环境下应用而设计的一种数字运算操作的电子装置,是带有存储器,可以编制程序的控制器。PLC即可编程控制器(Programmable logic Controller,是指以计算机技术为基础的新型工业控制装置。它能够存储和执行指令,进行逻辑运算,顺序控制,定时,计数和算术等操作,并通过数字式和模拟式的输入输出,控制各种类型的机械和生产过程。


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