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live make can say dig made could said dug What is it? What colour is it? Does it sleep at night? Do you like it? What are they? What are they doing? Do they sleep at night? Do you like them? 1.Where did the rabbits and the owl live? 2.Why were the rabbits tired and angry? 3.Was the owl a good neighbour? Why or why not? 4.Where do many rabbits sleep today? What was in the forest ? Where did the owl live ? Where did the rabbits live ? What did the owl do every night ? Could the rabbits sleep ? How were the rabbits ? stop doing sth Pre-task preparation 2: 活动内容:Play a game 活动目的:复习核心词汇。 操作方法:学生齐读一遍单词,之后隐去一个单词,学生再读一遍,找出哪个单词消失了,可以用齐读、男女生读、小组读、自己读等多种方式进行。 * * * * * * * Procedure 3: 活动内容:说出或拼读出动词的过去式。 活动目的:复习一般过去时的动词词形变化。 操作方法:同桌合作,一人说原形,一人说过去式,交换着说。 * Procedure 3: 活动内容:说出或拼读出动词的过去式。 活动目的:复习一般过去时的动词词形变化。 操作方法:同桌合作,一人说原形,一人说过去式,交换着说。 * While-task procedure 2: 活动内容:了解猫头鹰和兔子的生活习性。 活动目的:为故事做铺垫。 操作方法:教师提问,学生思考回答。通过问答,了解两者生活习性的区别。 * * 活动内容:根据动画回答问题。 活动目的:整体感知故事,了解故事大意。 操作方法:根据动画讨论并回答问题。 * While-task procedure 4: 活动内容:分段学习故事文本。 活动目的:更好地理解掌握。 操作方法:分段插入音频,先听录音,跟读,再出文本,朗读。 * * While-task procedure 4: 活动内容:分段学习故事文本。 活动目的:更好地理解掌握。 操作方法:分段插入音频,先听录音,跟读,再出文本,朗读。 * * * * * Post-task activity 1: 活动内容:复述故事。 活动目的:综合运用语言。 操作方法:学生看图复述故事,可分小组进行、配对进行、或个人进行。 其他建议:学生也可以看图用自己的语言新编故事,同样可分小组进行、配对进行、或个人进行。 * Post-task activity 1: 活动内容:写短文。 活动目的:巩固语言,训练写作,给予学生更大操练空间。 操作方法:学生以My neighbour为题,运用所学语言自由写作。 * Our neighbours 4 Module 2 Relationships Period 3 Oxford English father grandfather brother grandmother mother sister uncle aunt daughter son father brother grandmother mother sister uncle aunt daughter son father grandfather brother grandmother mother sister uncle aunt daughter son father grandfather grandmother mother sister uncle aunt daughter son father grandfather brother grandmother mother sister uncle aunt daughter son father grandfather brother grandmother mother sister uncle aunt son father grandfather brother grandmoth


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