
抗生素概论(英文PPT) A brief review of antibiotics课件.ppt

抗生素概论(英文PPT) A brief review of antibiotics课件.ppt

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抗生素概论(英文PPT) A brief review of antibiotics课件

A brief review of bacteria and Virbac Dental Products that control them Microorganism- a microscopic organism; bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoa Bacterium-single cell microorganism that multiply by cell division and the cell typically contains a cell wall Bacteria- plural of bacterium Bacteria are named with a Genus and species ex: Staphylococcus aureus Bacteria are classified according to Shape Gram stain Oxygen need Shape of bacteria Cocci- circle shaped Rods- cylindrical Gram staining Special stain for bacteria Gram positive- bacteria stain purple Gram negative-bacteria stain red Oxygen requirements Aerobic- must have oxygen present to survive Bacteria on the skin surface Anaerobic- live in the absence of oxygen Bacteria in bone, dental infections Terminology Antimicrobial Any substance of natural, semi-synthetic, or synthetic origin that kills or inhibits the growth of a microorganism, but causes little or no host damage Antibiotic A substance produced by a microorganism that, at low concentrations, inhibits or kills other microorganisms Antibacterial- agent that destroys or suppresses the growth or reproduction of bacteria Antiseptic- any substance that inhibits the growth and development of microorganisms. Does NOT include antibiotics. A good example is disinfectants used on inanimate objects Germicide-agent that kills pathogenic microorganisms Bacteriostatic Stops the bacteria from multiplying but does not kill it Bactericidal Kills the bacteria Broad spectrum antibiotic- antibiotic that is effective against broad range of antibiotics (Gram + and Gram – Aerobes and Anaerobes) Narrow spectrum antibiotic- antibiotic that is effective against only a few types of bacteria Resistance- bacteria are no longer susceptible to the agent Classes of Antimicrobials Classified based on general spectrum and how they work and how they are made Examples Some work by interfering with protein synthesis Some work by interfering with cell wall function So


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