国集团伦敦峰会报 (bilingual)合并后.docVIP

国集团伦敦峰会报 (bilingual)合并后.doc

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国集团伦敦峰会报 (bilingual)合并后

G20 communiqué The complete statement of agreement announced by world leaders after todays summit in London 1. We, the Leaders of the Group of Twenty, met in London on 2 April 2009. 2. We face the greatest challenge to the world economy in modern times; a crisis which has deepened since we last met, which affects the lives of women, men, and children in every country, and which all countries must join together to resolve. A global crisis requires a global solution. 3. We start from the belief that prosperity is indivisible; that growth, to be sustained, has to be shared; and that our global plan for recovery must have at its heart the needs and jobs of hard-working families, not just in developed countries but in emerging markets and the poorest countries of the world too; and must reflect the interests, not just of today’s population, but of future generations too. We believe that the only sure foundation for sustainable globalisation and rising prosperity for all is an open world economy based on market principles, effective regulation, and strong global institutions. 20国集团伦敦峰会公报 1.我们20国集团领导人于2009年4月2日在伦敦举行了这次峰会。 2.我们正面临现代历史上规模最大的全球经济挑战;自我们上次举行峰会以来,经济危机已有所加深,对每个国家无论男女老幼的生活都造成了影响,因此所有国家都必须联合起来解决这一危机。全球性的危机需要全球共同解决。 3.首先,我们相信全球经济繁荣是不可分割的;实现可持续增长的责任必须由全球各国共同承担;全球经济复苏计划必须以勤勉劳作之家庭的需要及就业为 中心,不仅仅在发达国家如此,在新兴市场和贫穷国家也应如此;全球经济复苏计划必须能反映当今之人的需要,也要能反映未来几代人的需要。 我们相信,建立基于市场原则、有效监管和强有力的全球机构之上的开放型世界经济,这是可持续性全球化发展和所有各国日益繁荣增长的唯一可靠基础。 4. We have today therefore pledged to do whatever is necessary to: restore confidence, growth, and jobs; repair the financial system to restore lending; strengthen financial regulation to rebuild trust; fund and reform our international financial institutions to overcome this crisis and prevent future ones; promote global trade and investment and reject protectionism, to underpin prosperity; and build an inclusive, green, and sustainable recovery. By acting together to fulfil these pledges we will bring the world economy out of recession and pr


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