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摘 要 20 世纪60 年代是美国历史上一个极其重要的时期,从经济上来看,它已进入 “福利国家”和“丰裕社会”,人民生活水平大大提高。但在其他方面却出现了一 些问题, 如种族歧视和青年反叛运动等。校园反叛运动是指以青年大学生针对美国 的政治体制、社会问题发动的一场批判运动。青年走上了历史舞台,以各种各样 的方式发起了对传统价值观的挑战,他们或投身于激进的政治运动,高呼“民主、 自由、平等”,掀起了校园革命的浪潮;或通过音乐、服饰等生活方式上的标新立 异来对抗传统,激烈地抨击发达工业社会对人性的压抑和摧残。 这场校园反叛运动具有强烈的乌托邦色彩和无政府主义倾向,与其说它是一 场政治、经济变革,不如说是一场文化和价值观革命。它在意识形态方面动摇了 美国传统的清教价值观,在现实政策方面迫使美国政府从对越战争的升级转向撤 军,在人权方面,促进了美国国内反种族歧视运动的发展。 虽然这场反叛运动最后化作过眼云烟,但它使美国社会及其文化发生了深刻 的变化。学生反对派所建构的“60 年代精神”为60 年代和60 年代之后的社会运 动提供了一种范式,作为制度化的社会批判力量直接或间接地促进了70 年代以后 的美国社会改革。换言之,学生反叛精神并未随着政治运动的消失而消亡,它已 悄悄渗透到学术界政界等领域以及社会基层,潜移默化地影响着美国社会的现在 和未来。 关键词: 六十年代; 青年学生; 校园反叛; 反抗 I ABSTRACT The 1960s is a very important period in American history. From the economic perspective, it has entered the “Welfare country”and “Affluent society”, which the people’s living standards greatly improved.But in other areas there were a number of problems such as racial discrimination and Youth rebelling ,etc.The campus revolt movement refers to a critical campaign which was launched by the University students to against American political system and social problems.The Youth appeared on the stage of history, launched a challenge to the traditional values with a variety of methods. They engaged in the radical political movements, shouting “democracy, freedom, equality”, setting off a wave of campus revolution, and combated the traditional lifestyle through music, clothing, etc, fiercely criticised the developed industrial society which has curbed and destroyed humanity. The campus revolt movement had a strong Utopian color and anarchical tendency. It was a revolution of culture and values rather than a political , economic reform. In the area of ideolo


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