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摘 要 《左传》是我国第一部编年体史书,其中蕴含着丰富的先秦历史资料,是研 究先秦史,尤其是春秋历史的重要文献典籍。细读整部《左传》,我们可以发现 其中包含了大量可信的关于春秋时期及其前代史官的资料,包括史官的名姓、史 官的职名、史官的职事、史官的言论,等等。这都是研究春秋时期及其前代史官 文化的珍贵文献资料,有些还是其它史籍所缺乏的。本文就是在对《左传》中史 官资料进行分类的基础上,进行个案研究。 本文分为四部分。第一部分,指出对《左传》中史官资料研究的紧迫性、必 要性和可行性。 第二部分,是对《左传》中史官资料按年代顺序进行分类并做初步分析,指 出了《左传》中所见史官、史官的职名、史官的职事和史官的特点。 第三部分是本文的主体,对《左传》中史官资料进行个案研究。其一,分析 了鲁昭公二十九年记载史官蔡墨论述的“龙见与绛郊”神话故事。我们认为这一 神话故事反映了我国古代部族三大集团:东夷集团、华夏集团、苗蛮集团的情况; 古代部族三大集团与五行说的结合;史官蔡墨用远古历史文化知识附会西周宗法 礼制;其二,分析了鲁庄公三十二年记载内史过论述的“有神降于莘”的神话故 事。我们认为史官内史过对远古的巫术非常熟悉,可以对其熟练应用。同时,我 们还认为春秋时期的史官非常看重“德”的作用;其三,分析了鲁昭公三十二年 中史墨为赵简子论天道和史官论星象的记载。我们认为,史官的这些言行来源于 远古时代巫师的职掌;最后,分析了部分史官参与占卜的记载。 第四部分为结语。 关键词:《左传》;史官资料;个案研究 I Abstract Zuo Zhuan is the first chronicle historical record in our country in which there are many historical records of pre-Qin. These are the important ancient books and records which are used to study pre-Qin history especially to study the Spring and Autumn period history. Reading the entire Zuo Zhuan, we can found that it contains a great deal of credible records about the Spring and Autumn period and the historian of the previous generation, including the First Name of historiographer , the position name of historiographer ,the job of historiographer, the speech of historiographer, and so on. This is the valuable cultural documents of the study on behalf of the Spring and Autumn Period and the former historiographer and some are lacking in other historical records. This article is to study the especial case based on the classification of historiographer records in Zuo Zhuan. The article is divided into four parts. In the first part, we pointed that the urgency, the need and the feasibility of studying the historiographer records in Zuo Zhuan


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