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内蒙古科技大学本科生毕业论文 题 目:气固两相流中颗粒间互相影响规律的数值模拟研究 学生姓名: 学 号:0862126313 专 业:热能与动力工程 班 级:热动083班 指导教师: 气固两相流中颗粒间互相影响规律的数值模拟研究 摘 要 流化床燃烧锅炉在运行过程中普遍存在着颗粒团聚现象。产生这一现象的主要原因在于气相流体与固相颗粒之间复杂的相互作用,因此研究气固两相流的流动特性对研究流化床的煤粉燃烧过程有着重要意义。以往的两相流研究过程往往是着眼于整个流场的总体性分析,得到的也是总体性的研究结果。而当我们截取整个流场的一个微小单元,对小流场区域内的双颗粒进行研究分析时就会发现,流场中任何一个颗粒对流场的干扰都会间接的影响到其附近的颗粒,同时其本身运动状态也将受到其附近颗粒的影响。分析这种流场中相邻双颗粒的相互影响颗将可以清晰的从单元级结构上解释颗粒团聚现象的成因及影响因素。因此本文将着眼于大流场中的单元级结构来研究气固两相流中颗粒间互相影响规律。研究采用计算机数值模拟方法进行,使用先进较为先进的商业ansys14.0软件平台。研究过程中,单球模拟阶段采用了ansys14.0内部集成的Fluent及CFX双平台进行比对模拟,验证了模拟结果的可靠性。双球模拟阶段以雷诺数及颗粒相对位置为变量,进行了系统的数据收集。对双颗粒在互相影响下的受力情况与单颗粒同一雷诺数下的受力进行比较。并对导致两颗粒聚合的聚合力变化规律加以分析。在最后的的流固动态双向耦合阶段利用动态结果证实了最终结论的可靠性。 关键词:团聚现象;团聚力;数值模拟;单元级结构;双向耦合 The numerical simulation study of solid phased particles influence law between each other of Gas-solid two-phase flow Abstract Particles are common reunion phenomenon in the running of fluidized bed combustion boiler.The main reason is the complex interaction between The gas phase fluid and solid phase particles. So it is important to study the gas.solid two-phase flow,if we want to study the coal burning process of the fluidized bed. The past twophase flow the research generally focus on the whole flow field,get the result of the whole flow field too. However if we focus on a small part that there is only two particles in the flow field,we will find there is the influence between each of the two particles. And we can explain the particles reunion phenomenon from the research of the influence law between the particles.So this text will just focus on the unit level structure of the flow field to study the solid phased particles influence law between each other of Gas-solid two.phase flow. Research by using the computer numerical simulation, use the business ansys14.0 software platform. In the course of the study, Single ball simulation use both of the CFX14.0 and the Fluent14.0 platform which are integrationed in ansys14.0 to insure the result is believable. In two balls simulation


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