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傳統和氣輔注射成型的壓力分布 氣體進口位置 Gas Entrance Locations 經流道 Through the Runner 典型問題 Typical Problems 跑道現象 Race tracking effect 氣體穿透不佳 Poor gas penetration 氣體手指現象 Gas fingering 氣體吹穿 Gas blow out 製品表觀 Part surface appearance 跑道現象 Race Tracking Effect 氣體穿透不佳 Poor Gas Penetration 氣體手指現象 Gas Fingering 氣體吹穿 Gas Blow Out 氣輔設計原則 Design Principles for Gas -asist Mould Design 製品公稱厚度以不小於2mm為原則。 但有薄到0.75mm厚度的氣輔塑件被開發出來。 氣體進口(Gas Entrance)和澆口(Gate)距離若大於25mm,Shut-off valve就不一定要裝。 溢流井的體積 = 流道去掉2~3mm塑膠皮層之斷面積 x 流道長度 2004. 4. 11. 徐昌煜摘錄自”氣體輔助射出成型手冊 “ (塑膠世界雜誌社譯自日文書刊) - 氣道設計原則 Design Principles for Gas Channel Size Large Channels Short Gas Penetration Increase Cycle Time “Racetrack” Effect Small Channels Fingering Into Thin Walls Uncontrolled Gas Penetration Properly Sized Channels Promote Gas Into All Desired Areas With Minimal Thin Wall Penetration Typically 2-4 Times the Wall Thickness 氣道設計原則 Design Principles for Gas Channel Size 氣道斷面任何尺寸不可大於30mm 氣道斷面大小尺寸比應小於2 氣道寬度一般是高度的0.5到1.5倍 氣道轉角內圓角半徑以大於6mm為原則 實驗表明:經穿透後的氣道壁厚度大約是直徑的1/3 2004. 4. 11. 徐昌煜摘錄自”氣體輔助射出成型手冊 “ (塑膠世界雜誌社譯自日文書刊) - 短射法氣輔注射成型氣道尺寸指南 Gas Channel (used in Short Shot Method Gas-assisted Injection Moulding) Size Guideline 整合薄壁及厚壁的設計 避免閉路式氣道 Avoid Closed Loop Gas Channels 避免氣道相鄰太近 Avoid Spacing Gas Channels Too Close Together 氣道相鄰過近氣體會滲透到薄壁中 Gas will “finger” into thin wall areas if gas channels are too close together. There are a number of problems associated with gas-assist moulding. Poor gas penetration is a problem that occurs when gas does not penetrate in the channels as desired or to the extent desired. Gas fingering occurs when gas penetrates out of the thick sections and into thin wall areas uncontrollably. Gas blow out occurs when the gas bubble catches up to the me


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