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Cantonese Cuisine;Cantonese tea Having a Cantonese tea is a historic custom and the most popular activity for Cantonese,there are morning tea,afternoon tea and night tea.Cantonese are used to chat with the family members and friends in the restaurant while having a cup of tea and Dim Sum, 饮茶是广州人历史悠久、雷打不动的习惯,分为早茶、午茶和晚茶。其实就是找间茶楼坐下来,悠闲地泡上一壶茶,点几样精致的小点心,与家人和朋友慢慢边吃边聊。 ;Called yum cha (饮 茶 , which means drink tea in Cantonese), it involves family members or friends drinking Chinese tea and sharing dim sums (点心) at a table. Yum cha is focused not just on the tea, but also on the dim sums (the food items), which are a varied range of small dishes that are usually steamed or fried and may be savoury(咸味的,辣味的) or sweet. They include such favorites as char siu bao(叉烧包), assorted dumplings, siu mai(烧麦), congee porridge(粥) and rice noodle rolls. Traditionally, the cost of the meal is calculated based on the number and size of dishes left on the patrons(顾客) table at the end. Although the tradition started in Guangzhou, it is now prevalent(盛行的;普遍存在的) all over the world. ps:英语中有许多来自粤语的词汇,英国人有时会使用的,例如上述的dim sums;;这就是刚才我们讲到的粤式早点”四大天王“中的其中一位啦——干蒸烧卖。.广式饮茶中的干蒸烧卖是茶市必点的人气点心之一。; 糯米鸡;;Steamed vermicelli roll;云吞面;;凤爪; 春卷 Spring roll;甜品 dessert. ;木瓜银耳糖水 ;莲子百合红豆沙 ;水果西米露 次道甜品为炎暑必备神物 为什么呢?! 既解暑又解馋哦!! 滑滑的西米露加上嫩香的牛奶 还可以加入自己喜欢的水果 最重要的是 不论吃多少都不会胖!! ; ;广东老火汤;Welcome to ShenZhen!


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