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2017年10月25日账号11的初中英语平行组卷  一、单词辨音找出划线部分与其他两个不同的选项(5分)1.(1分)We have decided to elect Meimei to be our monitor.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?(  )A./els/B./?lekt/C./?kt/D./i?st/2.(1分)下列单词划线部分哪一项与其他三项读音不同(  )A.snowB.howC.nowD.down3.(1分)下列各组单词中,属于多音节的是 (  )A.tomato; beautifulB.dinner; breakfastC.student; teacher4.(1分)‘Walk _______ ahead and you will see the cinema at the end of the road.The phonetic symbol for the missing word in the sentence should be‘_______.(  )A./stra?t/B./stre?t/C./ste?t/D./stɑ:t/5.(1分)Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?(  )A.I have no cousins.B.That sounds great.C.Can you speak louder please?D.Students would like to play on the playground.  二、词汇(15分)A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词(5分)6.(1分)We often play (游戏) in the park.7.(1分)We can get i  through books,movies,radio,TV or the Internet.8.(1分)Mr.Green is a s  teacher; you cant see smiles on his face.9.(1分)Go  (径直地) on and turn left.You can see it on your right.10.(1分)I have (仅仅) one good friend in my class.  用所给词的恰当形式填空.(10分)11.(1分)David cant be in the classroom now,because just now I saw him  books in the library.(read)12.(1分)The animal signs appear in the  (fix) order.13.(1分) ,he got the first prize in the spelling contest last week.(lucky)14.(1分)We should  the bigger house with a garden.(choice)15.(1分)This gentleman greeted me .(polite)16.(1分)Dicks birthday is on the  of November.(nine)17.(1分)The girls are having an  with the boys.Their teacher will deal with the trouble.(argue)18.(1分)What makes him  in swimming.( interest)19.(1分)Computers can help us  more quickly.(calculator) calculate.20.(1分)Thank you for  me to your birthday party.(invite)  四、单项选择(20分)21.(1分)Its raining hard outside,so we stay in the classroom.(  )A.mustB.canC.have toD.might22.(1分)I was surprised by her words,which made me know _________ silly mistakes I had made.(  )A.whatB.thatC.howD.which23.(1分)I feel my stomach terrible.I think I ate at


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