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X62W型万能铣床控制电路的PLC改造 【摘要】控制PLC是以计算机技术为技术核心的通用自动控制装置,在各行各业中得到了广泛的应用。铣床可以用来加工平面、斜面、沟槽,装上分度头可以铣齿轮和螺旋面,装上圆工作台还可以铣切凸轮和弧形槽。所以铣床在金属切削机床中占有很大的比重,使用数量仅次于车床。铣床的迅速发展是由于它的积极作用正日益为人们所认识,其一,它能部分的代替人工操作,它能大大的改善工人的劳动条件,显著提高的提高生产劳动效率,加快实现工业的机械化和自动化的步伐。因而,受到各工业国家的重视,并投入大量的人力、物力加以研究和应用。在我国,近几年来也有较快的发展,并取得一定的成果,受到各工业部门的重视。通过此设计,可以使大家了解到X62W万能铣床的电气控制系统的结构和PLC控制的原理,简单工作原理。于能力有限 设计中不当之处,敬请指导老师批评指正。 【关键词】X62W万能铣床 PLC 技术改造 【Abstract】 PLC control technology based on computer technology for the automatic control device common core, in all walks of life have been widely used. Milling machine can be used to process flat, slope, trench, fitted with dividing head can be milling and helical gear face, fitted with a round table can also be milling and arc-shaped cam slot. Therefore, metal-cutting machine tools milling machine in a large proportion of the number second only to the use of lathes. The rapid development of milling is due to the positive role it is increasingly recognized as the first, it can replace part of the manual, it can greatly improve the working conditions of workers, a significant increase in production and labor to improve efficiency and accelerate the achievement of industry the pace of mechanization and automation. Thus, by the importance of the industrial countries, and invested a large amount of manpower and material resources to the research and application. In China, there are relatively rapid in recent years, and achieved certain results, be of great importance to the industrial sector. With this design, can make you understand that universal milling X62W electrical control system PLC control of the structure and the principle of a simple working principle. On capacity-limited, the design inappropriate, please teacher criticism. 【Key Words】 X62W universal milling PLC technology 目 录 第1章 前言 1 1.1该系统在实际中的应用场合 1 1.2该研究的目的、意义 1 1.3国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1 1.4 plc的基本特点 2 第2章 X62W万能铣床的工作过程及控制要求 3 2.1控制要求 3 2.2控制过程 4 2.3 X62W万能铣床工作原理及继电器接线图 第3章 X62W万能铣床控制应用设备及元器件 5 3.1 PLC 5 3


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