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课 时 教 案Module 1 Unit 1课 型new教学目标知识目标:Learn to say the new words and phrases: Hello, Hi, goodbye, bye.Learn to say the sentence: I’m…Make friend with Amy, Lingling, Daming, Sam.能力、技能目标:用所学的问候用语与他人打招呼并学会简单的自我介绍。 德育目标:培养学生从小养成讲文明、懂礼貌的好习惯。重点Words sentences难点正确向朋友介绍自己。教学时间、时数1 Period教具Tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法情境教学法,游戏法等教学过程I. Form:1.Greeting to the students: Hello, Hi.2. Let the students greet to their desk mate.II. New 1. Introduce the teacher to the class: Hello, I’m Miss Huang.2. Let the student introduce their selves. Use: Hello/ Hi, I’m ____.3. Game: guess the students.首先请两个小朋友自我介绍,再请这两个小朋友躲在讲台下与同学们打招呼,下面的同学猜猜:Who is it?4. Make friend in the class.给小朋友5分钟的时间,小朋友们相互介绍。时间到后请小朋友说说,他在这个时间里交了多少个朋友。5.出示:Amy, Lingling, Daming, Sam的头饰。We have four friends here. Do you know them?6. Listen to the tape and think, What’s their name? 认识Amy, Lingling, Daming, Sam四个小朋友。7.请小朋友扮演Amy, Lingling, Daming, Sam,与其他的小朋友打招呼。看看谁表演得最好。8.小朋友们模仿Amy 她们的表演,自己和几个小朋友表演一下。9. Learn to say Good bye! Bye!IV. Sum up.V. Class work: Activity book.VI. Homework: 1. Greeting to your friends or your parents. 2.Listen to the tape and repeat.二次备课板书设计Module One Unit OneHello, Hi, goodbye, bye.I’m…课后反思课题Module 1 Revision课型Revision教学目标知识目标:Learn to sing the song.Review the words in Module 1.Review the sentences in Module 1.能力、技能目标:Can using the vocabulary in this module to greeting with other.德育目标:通过各种教学活动,培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。重点Words sentences难点Can using the vocabulary in this module to greeting with other.教学时间、时数1 Period教具Tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法 活动法,听说法等教学过程I. Form:1. Greetings.2. Ask and answer: Hello, How are you? I’m fine.II. Revision:1. 看图想一想,我们应该说些什么?Hello, Hi, Good bye, Bye, I’m____. How are you?I’m fine.2. Sing a song. HELLO HELLO (do the action)3.Game: How are you?听音辨人。一个小朋友上台来蒙住眼睛,其他小朋友向他打招呼问好,蒙住眼睛的小朋友想想:Who is it?下面的同学要做出相应的判断:Yes./ No.4. Game 2: 找朋友。小朋友们跟着音乐走动,当音乐一停,小朋友们要与自己身边的朋友相互问候。组成好朋友。二次备课板书设计Module One RevisionHello, Hi. I’m____. How are you? I’m fine.课后反思课题Module 1 Uni


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