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第4章 根轨迹法(导论-于老师试讲)PPT
Beyond Technology 自动控制原理 --根轨迹法导论 Control systems: Linear and nonlinear Time-invariant and time-variant Continuous-time and discrete-time A Course ——used for analyzing and designing a automatic control system Introduction Automatic control theory Automatic control theory Linear , Time-invariant , Continuous systems: Modelling 第1章 引 论 数学建模 ---感性走向理性之路 定量:通过合理抽象与简化,用“定量化”的语言或结构描述事务的内在规律。 一个科学只有在成功的运用数学时,才算达到了真正完善的地步——马克思 自然界是按照数学原则设计的,自然界的真正规律必然能通过数学来探索和表达。 这是一种信念,我们不管获得这种信念。 Automatic control theory Linear , Time-invariant , Continuous systems: Modelling Analysis: Time response method Root Locus method Frequency response method Compensation 第1章 引 论 理论 系统建模 系统分析(稳定性,动静态指标) 系统综合(方案选择,系统设计) 系统验证(数字仿真,实物/半实物仿真) 第1章 引 论 Time Domain method ---Direct anylysis approch Best for judging performance Too complicated in calculation Difficult to predict the performance as parameters change Time consuming 第1章 引 论 Requirements of Analysis Methods Simple and easy to implement Easy to predict the system performance Possible to indicate better parameters 第1章 引 论 Major indirect Methods Algebraic Stability Criterion Routh Stability Criterion Easy to investigate absolute stability No proper measure of relative stability Difficult to judge whether the CL poles reside in a given region 第1章 引 论 Root Locus Method What is a root locus? The root locus is the path of the root of the characteristic equation or the poles of the system’s closed-loop transfer function , traced out in the s-plane as a system parameter is changed 第1章 引 论 Root Locus Method Why to study the root locus? Easy to predict the CL performances Possible to study the root locus? Yes! W R Evans 1948;1950 第1章 引 论 * * 4 Introduction We discuss the root-locus according to following order: 1). what is Root-locus? 2). How the
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