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施闰章诗歌创作及诗学思想研究 摘 要 施闰章,安徽宣城人,清初著名诗人、文人、学者,同时也是 清朝政治官场上的名吏。其诗歌作品及诗学思想在清初诗坛有着很 高的声誉,并给后世留下了深刻的影响。 施闰章一生著述丰富,著有《学馀堂文集》二十八卷,《学馀 堂诗集》五十卷,《蠖斋诗话》二卷,《矩斋杂记》二卷,《家风 述略》一卷,以及《砚林拾遗》、《试院冰渊》各一卷,并编有《宛 雅续编》、《青原山志略》等书。其中《学馀堂诗集》收录诗歌三 千三百多首,从中我们可以窥见其卓越的诗歌成就。他的诗歌 “清 真简远”,质而朴,简而明,为时人所欣赏。 本文系统地介绍了施闰章的生平概况,全面分析了施闰章的思 想内涵和美学风貌;对其具体的诗歌作品作了大致分析和总结,并 依此简要概括了施闰章的诗歌主张;结合当时的诗歌特点,探究了 他诗歌作品的内涵和艺术价值,并对其在清初诗史的地位作了简要 的定位,指出他的诗论对当时乃至随后的诗歌创作具有的指导意义, 对施闰章诗歌作品及其诗论有了总体上的把握。 关键词:施闰章; 诗歌创作; 诗歌主张 The Study of Poems Creation and Theory by Shi Run-zhang Abstract Shi Run Zhang was born in Anhui, who was the famous literati, scholar and government official in the early Qing Dynasty. His theory and creation of peom win great prestige at that time and was inflent on people today. Shi Run Zhang wrote abundant works, such as A Collection of Artictics in Xue Yu Tang , A Collection of poems in Xue Yu Tang, Huo Zhai Shi Hua, Ju Zhai Za Ji , Jia Feng Shu Lue, Yan Lin Shi yi, and so on. There are 3300 peoms in A Collection of peoms in Xue Yu Tang, from which we can learn his outstanding achievement. His peoms are simple, clear and unadorned, which were appreciated by contemporaries. The present thesis introduces the experiences in Shi Run Zhang life systematically and analyzes his thoughts and view in aesthetics. Based on poems, his theory of peom was summarized deeply and extensively; Combined the temporal characteristic of peoms, I researched into the connotation and artistic value of his peoms, and determined his location of peoms in early Qing Dynasty , indicated the leading meaning of his theory of poems to creation immediately and soon afterwards. The thesis grasps firml


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