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摘 要 星子县,位于江西省北部,县境北部是庐山,南部为鄱阳湖,其西北与九江 县相接。星子与西南的德安、永修和东部的湖口、都昌同属赣语区南昌片,其日 常用语既保留了赣语的基本特征,又受到了江淮九江话等其他方言的一定影响, 从而形成了南北有异、特色独具的的星子话。 星子话有声母22 个,其中6 个全浊音,不存送气浊音和浊擦音。韵母46 个, 撮口呼变为双介音。声调7 个,平声、去声分阳阳,阴去分上下,入声韵尾渐趋 消失。 星子话存有不少文白异读和南北差异现象。星子地势南北略长,素有上、下 乡之分。下乡一定程度上受到江淮九江话的影响,上乡则受赣语区德安话的影响 较大。 至目前为止,尚无星子话音系方面的专题研究。本论文在田野调查的基础上, 对星子话的音系作了较为全面而系统的描写,对其音韵特点作了一定深入的分 析,与此同时还将其与中古音《广韵》进行了纵向层面上的历时比较,又从共时 的角度将其与普通话及周边赣语和九江话作了横向的对比分析,力图从中寻找星 子方音发展变化的历史脉络、对应关系及其基本规律。 关键词:星子话;音系;语音特点;内部差异;历时比较;共时分析;对应 关系;基本规律 I Abstract Xingzi county, located in northern Jiangxi province. The northern area of the county is Lushan mountain; and the south, is the largest freshwater lake; the northwest connects the Lushan mountain region of Jiujiang city and Jiujiang county. Xingzi dialect, as well as the dialects of the southwest counties of De’an, Yongxiu, and the dialects of the eastern counties of Hukou, Duchang, belong to Changjing of Gan dialect. Its daily language keeps the basic characteristics of the language of Gan dialect, while being effected by the such Jianghuai as the dialects of jiujiang, thus forming the Xingzi dialect of unique characteristics. Xingzi dialect has 22 initials, of which eight voiced, doesnt send spirit and after the fricative voiced; and 46 finals, double head vowel intead of pursed-mouths; and 7 tones: ping, the Qu at the Yin and Yang, Yin Qu to Shang and Xia, Ru tone margins disappear. There are some phenomena of Combination pronunciation, and variant oral and written pronunciation. Xingzi is slightly long in north and south, known as the Up and Down Countryside. The Down Countryside in certain degree is influenced by Jiujiang dialect of Jianghuai language, while t



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