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错误!未找到图形项目表。 绪论 燃料 燃料的燃烧计算 输运现象[5][7][10] 输运什么呢?质量、动量、能量。The subject of transport phenomena includes three closely 化学动力学基础 燃烧学基本方程 任何一门成熟的学科都有它自己的数学模型体系,它能够在数学上描述这门学科所涉及的所有特征。人们通过解方程就可以预测这门学科所涉及的所有现象,比如在天体力学中通过解经典力学方程,就能确定行星(如海王星)的轨道;在分子物理中通过解薛定谔方程,就可以确定分子光谱。 这章介绍燃烧学基本方程。它是在流体力学方程基础上得到的。The dynamics and thermodynamics of a chemically reacting flow are governed by the conservation laws of mass, momentum, energy, and the concentration of the individual species. In this chapter, we shall first present a derivation of these conservation equations based on control volume considerations. 预混可燃气着火理论 层流预混可燃气火焰传播理论 非预混燃烧 引言 扩散火焰的特点是燃烧之前燃料和氧化剂是分开的。一边混合、一边燃烧,燃烧过程主要受扩散过程控制。先回顾一下绪论中讲到的预混燃烧与非预混燃烧的区别与联系。 图 81 Schematic of the Bunsen flame. 在绪论中讲到的图 81左边这个装置。a1时,预混(动力)燃烧,火焰短,炽热背景几乎看不到火焰。a1时,空气不足,出现预混火焰前锋I,此时只能燃烧相当于化学当量比的那部分燃气;扩散火焰前锋II,未燃尽的燃气与周围空气反应。随着a的减小,火焰传播速度降低,预混火焰前锋加长;由于未燃燃气增加,需要更多氧气,扩散前锋也伸长。当a=0时,成为纯扩散火焰。 图 82层流火焰结构(左)与Structure of the nonpremixed flame(右): (a) physical configuration of a one-dimensional, purely diffusive system; (b) temperature and concentration profiles with finite flame thickness and reactant leakage; (c) temperature and concentration profiles with reaction-sheet assumption. 出于自然的原因(天然的燃料大部分是凝聚态的,而凝聚态燃料燃烧只能是“非预混”的)和设计的要求,多数燃烧系统都采用非预混(扩散)燃烧的方式。Diffusion fl ames have far greater practical application than premixed fl ames.。工程中的应用如工业炉窑\锅炉\燃气轮机\柴油机\本生灯。日常生活中的应用如蜡烛火焰\煤炉。非预混燃烧也比预混燃烧安全的多。Gaseous diffusion fl ames, unlike premixed fl ames, have no fundamental characteristic property, such as fl ame velocity, which can be measured readily; even initial mixture strength (the overall oxidizer-to-fuel ratio) has no practical meaning. Indeed, a mixture strength does not exist for a gaseous fuel jet issuing into a quiescent atmosphere. Before further discussion, we shall clarify the usage of the term “flame.” From the fundamental viewpoint, a flame is a region within which the nonequilibrium processes of diffusion and reaction take place, and as such shoul


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