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阅兵式 milit?ary revie?w Start?ing early? Satur?day morni?ng, the rehea?rsal featu?red a mass pagea?nt invol?ving nearl?y 200,000 citiz?ens and 60 simul?ated float?s, a gala by aroun?d 12,000 perfo?rmers? and a milit?ary revie?w. 这次彩排从?周六凌晨开?始,内容包括有?将近20万?市民参加、动用了60?辆模拟彩车?的群众欢庆?游行,有1.2万人参与?演出的联欢?活动以及阅?兵式。 国庆“禁飞” ban on flyin?g activ?ities? Beiji?ng has widen?ed a ban on flyin?g activ?ities? to inclu?de pigeo?ns and kite flyin?g in its lates?t effor?ts to beef up secur?ity ahead? of the Natio?nal Day celeb?ratio?ns, polic?e said Tuesd?ay. 警方于周二?称,为加强国庆?前安保工作?,北京近日已?扩大了“禁飞”范围,鸽子和风筝?也在其中。 长安街“整修” face-lift Beiji?ngs main road, the Chang?’an Avenu?e, is getti?ng a makeo?ver ahead? of the 60th anniv?ersar?y of the found?ing of the Peopl?es Repub?lic of China? (PRC) in Octob?er. The avenu?e recei?ved its last face-lift in 1999 for the celeb?ratio?n of the 50th anniv?ersar?y of the found?ing of PRC. 在今年十月?中华人民共?和国建国6?0周年前夕?,北京市主干?道长安街正?进行全面整?修。长安街上次?整修是在1?999年,当时是为了?庆祝建国5?0周年。 人工消雨人工降雨 artif?icial? rain?reduc?tion/preci?pitat?ion Zhang? Qiang?, deput?y direc?tor of the Beiji?ng Weath?er Modif?icati?on Offic?e, told China? Daily? that artif?icial? rain reduc?tion measu?res were in place? for the Natio?nal Day celeb?ratio?n, durin?g which? Presi?dent Hu Jinta?o will give a speec?h and the milit?ary will parad?e past the Tiananmen? Squar?e. 北京市人工?影响天气办?公室主任张?强在接受《中国日报》记者采访时?称,已做好准备?在国庆庆典?期间采取“人工消雨”。在庆典中,中国国家主?席胡锦涛将?致词,军队将在天?安门广场举?行阅兵仪式?。 群众欢庆游?行 mass pagea?nt The milit?ary parad?e and mass pagea?nt will be rehea?rsed at Tiananmen? Squar?e sever?al times? from Augus?t 29 to Septe?mber 26. 8月29日?至9月26?日,天安门广场?将举行数次?国庆阅兵和?群众欢庆游?行彩排活动?。 彩车 float? The Tiananmen? Squar?e will see a massi?ve celeb?ratio?n to mark the natio?ns 60th birth?day on Octob?er 1, said a spoke?spers?on for the 60th Natio?nal Day celeb?ratio?n prepa?ratio?n commi?ttee of the Beiji?ng munic?ipal gover?nment? Monda?y. A mass pagea?nt invol?ving about? 200,000 citiz?ens and 60 float?s will follo?w a milit?ary parad


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