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Learning strategies of English vocabulary for junior school student [Abstract]Vocabulary learning is a basic part of language learning and crucial to the second language proficiency. But vocabulary learning is the most difficult learning task for most students. The use of vocabulary learning strategies can improve the students’ vocabulary learning efficiency. So the writer made a study on the survey of English vocabulary learning strategies used by junior middle school students. In the thesis, it is viewed that learning English vocabulary makes great contribution to the improvement of???English study; in order to improve students’ English level, qualified acquisition of the vocabulary is easily to wipe off the biggest obstacle in listening, speaking, reading and writing, which all depend on vocabulary largely. However, both learners and teachers have ignored vocabulary study for a long time, which results in slow progress in English learning. So the great importance of vocabulary in English study is pointed out, but vocabulary can’t be learnt by rote. In order to solve the problem of “time-consuming and poorly-efficient” English vocabulary learning, the thesis offers some interesting and efficient strategies of vocabulary learning, called neat tricks, which will stimulate the students’ imagination and their interest in English learning, and finally enlarge their vocabulary.? [Key Words]; vocabulary; vocabulary-learning strategies; 【摘 要】词汇是语言的基本单位,对外语学习至关重要。然而,词汇学习却是大多数学生感到最困难的学习任务。调查结果表明:当前初中生词汇学习策略运用水平偏低,不同年级的词汇策略运用水平有所不同,不同性别的学生在词汇学习策略运用水平上存在差异,学优生和学困生的词汇学习策略运用水平存在着显著性差异,学优生的策略运用水平明显高于学困生。词汇是语言的基本要求。没有词汇,语言将不存在,所以外语学习离不开词汇学习。本文认为搞好词汇学习,在英语学习中起着举足轻重的作用,尤其是开始接触并学习英语的中国学生;拥有一定的词汇量,就易于扫除英语学习中听说读写的最大障碍,进而提高英语水平。但是,词汇学习长期以来被教师和学生所忽视。这种做法导致英语学习进展缓慢现象。本文虽指出了英语词汇学习的重要性,但也强调了词汇学习绝不是简单地死记硬背。针对英语教学中初中学生在词汇学习上的“费时低效”问题,本文提出了有关词汇学习的一些策略,鼓励学生积极采用多种生动有趣的词汇学习方法,从而扩大词汇量。 【关键词】初中生;词汇量;词汇学习策略; Ⅰ. Introduction Vocabulary learning is a complicated task that involves linguistic, ps


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