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1. 我这周的锻炼数量和上周的一样。 I get ___________________ exercise this week __ I did last week. 2. 吸烟和吸毒对身体健康有严重影响。__________________________________ people’s health. 3. 他每天吃许多蔬菜和水果以保持身体健康。 He eats ________ fruits and vegetables every day _________________. 4. 我要打电话求助. I’ll _________________my phone. 5.不合理的饮食意味着你会发胖. The wrong diet _______ you’ll __________ ___________. * Unit 3 Language in use the same amount of as Smoking and taking drugs have a bad effect on Translation plenty of in order to keep fit I’ll call for help on means get on weight I think it’s going to rain. He was running along the wall when he tripped. He has cut his head, and his shoulder hurts. When did he fall? Will he live? Language pracitce Here are six rules for a healthy life. When farmers were working in the field, they were keeping fit at the same time. When we were babies, we slept for much of the day. 1. Read Jack’s diary and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. c 2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs. A woman(1) _____ (come) home to find her husband in the kitchen. He (2) __________ (shake) widly (剧烈地), from side to side. Then the woman (3) ______ (notice) that he (4) ____________ (stand) with one hand on the cooker! came was shaking noticed was standing Naturally, she thought her husband (5) _________ (get) an electric shock. To pull him away from the electricity, she(6) ___ (hit) his arm with a piece of wood that(7) _________ (lie) by the back door. “What did you do that for?” he cried in pain. “I (8) ___________ (make) some tea, and (9) _______ (dance) to rock music on my MP3 player! was getting hit was lying was making dancing His stomach hurts—perhaps he’s eaten something bad. blood cut fever hurt knee shoulder stomach wound 3.Describe the pictures. Use the words in the box to help you.


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