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所有未庄的居民,全不在他眼睛里,甚而至于对于两位“文童”也有以为不值一笑的神情。 Q: “全不在他眼睛里”怎么理解?怎么译? Q: “甚而至于……也……”怎么表达? Q:“文童”怎么理解? ▲→童生、儒童(in Qing and Ming times) a scholar without a Xiucai degree(还没有考上秀才的读书人) Q:“有以为不值一笑的神情”怎么理解?怎么表达? 所有未庄的居民,全不在他眼睛里,甚而至于对于两位“文童”也有以为不值一笑的神情。 参考译文1:He looked down on all the inhabitants of Weichuang, thinking even the two young scholars not worth a smile, ...(杨译) 参考译文2:Since ..., Ah Q considered the other villagers simply beneath his notice. He went so far with this that he even looked down his nose at the village’s two Young Literati. (Lyell译) Questions for Sentence ② A)夫文童者,将来恐怕要变秀才者也;/B)赵太爷钱太爷大受居民的尊敬,///C)除有钱之外,就因为都是文童的爹爹,//D)而阿Q在精神上独不表格外的崇奉,///E)他想:我的儿子会阔得多啦! Q: 分析各小句之间的关系,看是否需要合句或分句?如何合或分? 夫文童者,将来恐怕要变秀才者也。 Q:认真体会该句的风格,看它与上下文的风格有何不同?作者为什么突然煞有介事地来一句这样的风格?作者用意如何? Q: “夫……者,……者也”如何译?注意语气! A: “夫”、“者也”之类都是文言常用的虚字。这 句话这样说法,是八股文的烂调。作者在这篇小说里常常用文言来讽刺当时维护文言文、反对白话文的人。 Q: “秀才”怎么译? 夫文童者,将来恐怕要变秀才者也。 参考译文1:..., though most young scholars were likely to pass the official examinations. (杨译) 参考译文2:He didn’t realize, of course, that up there in the rarefied world of scholar-officialdom those whom one doth Young Literati name can darn well get to be those whom one must Budding Talents proclaim – if you don’t keep an eye on them. 赵太爷钱太爷大受居民的尊敬, //除有钱之外,就因为都是文童的爹爹,/而阿Q在精神上独不表格外的崇奉,//他想:我的儿子会阔得多啦! Q: 是否需要合句?用什么关联词? Q: “赵太爷钱太爷”怎么译? Q: “在精神上”怎么处理?in the spirit? in his mind?是否可以省略不译? Q: 怎样理解“他想”和前句的关系?怎样处理“想”的形式? Q: “阔”怎么理解和表达?rich? wealthier? 阔:富有,豪奢:阔气、阔绰 参考译文1:Mr. Chao and Mr. Chien were held in great respect by the villagers, for in addition to being rich they were both the fathers of young scholars. Ah Q alone showed them no exceptional deference, thinking to himself, My sons may be much greater!(此处分段)(杨译) 参考译文2:That’s why Old Master Qian and Old Master Zhao were so all-fired respected in the village: they were daddies to those two Young Literati – and rich to boot. Ah Q, however, was less than impressed. “My son’s gonna to be a lot richer.”(此处未分段)(Lyell译) Yang’s Version Ah Q,


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