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论中国战略环境评价的制度化和法制化 The Institutionalization and Legalization of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in China 朱坦 南开大学战略环境评价中心 Zhu Tan SEA center of Nankai University 2 我国战略环评制度化、法制化的发展历程 The legislative development of SEA in China 2 我国战略环评制度化、法制化的发展历程 建设项目环境影响评价 EIA for Construction Projects 谢谢大家! * * 中国战略环境评价学术论坛 ——环评法实施五周年的回顾与展望 1 前言 Preface 3 我国战略环评制度的特点 The characters of SEA system in China 内容提要 Outlines 4 完善我国战略环评制度的建议 Suggestions to refine the SEA system in China 1 前言 Preface 战略环境评价(SEA)是环境影响评价(Environmental Impact Assessment,EIA)在战略层次上的拓展,是对政府部门政策、计划、规划的环境影响进行系统、综合评价的过程。 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is advanced from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the main objective is to perform systematic and integrated evaluation on policies, plans and programs. 战略环境评价制度是指通过立法的形式对战略环境评价及其程序进行规范化和法制化。 Legislation of SEA system is to regulate and systemize SEA procedures through legislative process. 我国的环境影响评价制度由建设项目环评开始,扩展到区域环评,到目前为止发展到将规划环境影响评价纳入到环境影响评价制度中。 Started from EIA for construction projects, the EIA system is extended to regional environmental impact assessment (REIA) gradually and now the EIA for plans is included into the EIA system. 2.1 我国战略环境评价制度的建立与发展 The establishment and development of SEA system in China The legislative development of SEA in China 1979年《中华人民共和国环境保护法(试行)》规定:“在进行新建、改建和扩建工程时,必须提出对环境影响的报告书,经环境保护部门和其他有关部门审查批准后才能进行设计。 Environmental Protection Law of People‘s Republic of China (Trial) which was promulgated in 1979 stated: “In planning new construction, reconstruction and extension projects, a report on the potential environmental effects shall be submitted to the environmental protection department and other relevant departments for examination and approval before designing can be started.” 2.1 我国战略环境评价制度的建立与发展 The establishment and development of SEA system in China 2 我国战略环评制度化、法制化的发展历程 The legislative develo


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