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摘 要 本论文介绍以MCS-51系列单片机为控制芯片,控制电热水壶进行正常工作的方法。首先通过加热电路对水进行加热,并用AD590对水的温度进行采样和检测,将采样信号通过ADC0809将数字量送入单片机系统进行处理,经信号转换后,结合键盘控制实现LED显示,同时实现对水的温度控制和超过预设温度时报警系统的启动,以保障电水壶安全工作。 单片机控制热水壶的硬件构成包括8051芯片、地址锁存器等所组成的单片机控制电路、温度检测电路、光电隔离电路、A/D转换电路、键盘和显示电路以及温度加热电路。整个系统的核心电路是单片机控制电路,它的功能是完成信号的输入和输出的转换,通过程序实现对信号的处理,控制加热电路的通断,从而实现对整个系统的控制。对设计好的硬件电路进行仿真,系统能够平稳、准确运行,从而表明设计的原理正确。 关键字:单片机;温度控制;信号转换 Abstract This thesis introduces a method that the MCS-51 series microcontroller is the control chip to control the electric kettle to work normally. First, we use the electric heating circuit to heating the water and apply the AD590 to sample and test the temperature of the water, the sampled signal convey to digital through the ADC0809 into the microcontroller system for processing by computer processing, after micro computer processing and the keyboard control to realize LED display. Meanwhile, it can realize the control of water temperature and the start of alarm device when over temperature to make sure the kettle safety. Microcontroller hardware components include the 8051 kettle chips, address latch circuit and so on, in addition, it includes temperature detection circuit, optical isolation circuit, A/D converter circuit, keyboard and display circuit and the temperature heating circuit. The core circuit is the system MCU control circuit, and its function is to complete the input and output of signal conversion. It realizes the procession of signal through the program and control the heating circuit break or close, so as to realize the control of the whole system. After we make a simulation to the designed hardware circuit, we find the system can operate smoothly and accurately, it shows that the design principle is correct. Keywords: SCM; temperature control; signal conversion 目 录 引 言 1 第一章 元件和芯片简介 2 1.1 8051单片机概述 2 1.1.1 8051引脚功能 3 1.1.2 中断源 5 1.2 地址锁存器 5 1.3 8255简介 6 1.3.1 8255特性 6 1.3.2 8255管脚功能 7 1.4 模数转换器 8 1.4.1 ADC0809简介 9 1.3.2 ADC0809工作原理 10 1.4.3 转换数据的传送 11 1.5 温度传感器



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