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江 西 理 工 大 学 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目:基于ARM的变速箱参数测控系统设计 学 院:机电工程学院 专 业:交通工程 班 级:061班 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 职称:教授 摘 要 根据格特拉克(江西)传动系统有限公司的要求以及毕业设计的要求,设计了一个基于ARM的后驱变速箱疲劳寿命实验台微机控制系统,该系统以两级计算机控制系统为核心,采用“交流发电、直流能量反馈”的封闭式变速器加载试验台方案。这种方案具有能量传输环节少,环路效率高,能量利用系数高,初投资少,占地面积小等优点。该方案采用了高性能的32位ARM处理器,通过微机监控操作界面给定测试要求的转速、转矩数据后,转矩传感器产生转矩反馈信号与给定信号相比较,微机控制系统自动控制试验台满足给定数据,对其转矩采用转矩外环和电流内环的双环控制。并利用Visua1C++6.0在window XP平台下开发出了界面友好、功能完备的应用程序。电路简洁、可靠,低成本地实现了两路扭矩参数的自动测量、数据处理、数字显示与记录,一路扭矩转速的闭环控制,并具有数据联网接口。该系统加载控制方便,可实现不停车连续加载,在从空载到最大负载范围内,电机转速可基本保持稳定。 关键词:变数箱;调速柜;ARM;扭距传感器;Visua1C++6.0;交流发电机。 ABSTRACK According to Getrag (Jiangxi) Transmission Co., the design requirements and graduation requirements, the design of a rear-wheel drive transmission ARM-based fatigue life test bed computer control system, control system with two calculators at the core, using AC power, DC power feedback closed transmission load test stage. This program has less power transmission link, loop, high efficiency, high energy utilization factor, a small initial investment, small footprint advantages. The program uses high-performance 32-bit ARM7 microprocessor controller, operator interface via a computer monitor test requirements given the speed, torque data, Torque sensor feedback signal generated torque compared with the given signal, test bench automation computer control system to meet the given data, on its outer torque and current use of the inner torque loop control. Using Visua1C + +6.0 in window2000 platform developed friendly interface and fully functional application. Circuit simple, reliable, low cost way to achieve a two-way torque parameter automatic measurement and data processing, digital display and recording, all the way closed loop control of torque, speed, and with the data network interface. The system is convenient for loading control, can be continuously loaded without stopping, in the range from no load to maximum load, th



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