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————大学本科毕业论文题目:博弈论视角下的关税不可取消性分析院系名称:专业班级:学号:姓名:指导教师: 2010 年 5 月 14 日内容摘要对外贸易产生和发展以来,基本上存在两种类型的对外贸易政策,即自由贸易政策和保护贸易政策。本文试通过对关税效应的经济分析,利用博弈论的有关知识来说明自由贸易虽然有利于整个社会的社会福利最大化,但作为调节国际贸易同时具有保护性质的关税在现实世界的贸易关系中却具有不可取消性。本文首先对关税不可取消性问题的提出给予说明,同时对当前该问题所涉及的各方面加以介绍。第二章是博弈论,介绍了博弈论理论的提出及发展情况,及其在各领域中的应用。第三章介绍我国具体关税制度,对我国当前的各种关税分类进行了详细的介绍,逐步引入本文所要介绍的关税不可取消分析。本文的重点是第四章,第四章通过建立两国间的博弈模型对关税不可取消性问题作了详细的分析。计算过程完整,说明了虽然关税造成了消费者剩余的损失,但市场被寡头控制的本质说明了关税不应被取消。关键词:自由贸易;关税;博弈;纳什均衡AbstractSince the emergence and development of foreign trade, there are basically two types of foreign trade policy, trade policy and the protection of the free trade policy. This paper by the economic analysis of the effects of tariffs, using game theory to explain free trade in the knowledge society as a whole although the social welfare maximization, but as a regulator of international trade relations and the protection of natures tariff trade interest in the real world in it is irrevocable nature.This first issue of tariff abolition of the proposal can not give instructions, while the current problems that the various aspects related to introduction.The second chapter is devoted to game theory, game theory explained the proposal and the development, analysis of game theory in various fields of application.The third chapter describes the specific tariff system in China, on Chinas current tariff classification of the various detailed description of the gradual introduction of this paper is to introduce non-cancellation of the tariff.Focus of this paper is the fourth chapter, chapter by establishing game model between the two countries can not be canceled on tariff issues are analyzed in detail. Complete calculation shows that although the tariffs resulted in a loss of consumer surplus, but the market is oligopolistic nature of the control of customs duties should not be canceled shows.Key words:Free trade ;Tariff ;Game Theory ;Nash equilibrium目录一、绪论…………………………………………1二、博弈论………………………………………… 1(一)引言……………………………………… 1(二)博弈


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