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毕 业 论 文 题 目基于SERVQUAL的民营快递业在高校 市场的服务质量评价实证研究专 业工商管理学生姓名 班级学号 指导教师 指导单位管理学院 日期: 2014 年3 月 17 日至 2014 年 6 月 12日 摘 要 1969年,全球的第一家快递公司DHL诞生,自此一种新的服务理念和运行模式开始被引入人们的生活中,而在十年后,这种服务随着我国经济的全球化而进驻我国,形成了初步的快递行业;1985年,中国邮政成立了EMS;随着人们生活质量提高,企业和个人对私有物品运输的时效性、安全性和方便性有了更高的要求,因而导致了我国民营快递企业的诞生。今天,高校在校大学生等一批知识分子则成了网络消费的先驱。随着快递行业内的竞争日益加剧,我国后发而起的民营快递业如何能在高校市场内发展壮大,则取决于其提供的快递服务质量。 目前在国内,对于服务质量研究所用的方法中,SERVQUAL是公认的最为成熟、科学的;本文根据中国民营快递公司的服务情况结合调整过的最适合于快递行业的SERVQUAL的服务量表,对以南京邮电大学为中心及其周边高校的在校学生发放调查问卷。结果表明,民营快递企业在高校市场提供的快递服务质量在SERVQUAL模型中的各个维度均没有达到让人满意的情况,其中人们对有形性维度的满意度最低,其余依次为保证性、响应性、移情性、可靠性和安全性。针对其具体的指标,本文提出了做好快递员工的招聘工作、提高服务时效性、提供更人性化服务及提供客户反馈服务等意见。 关键词:SERVQUAL;电子商务;民营快递;服务质量;高校市场 ABSTRACT In 1969, the worlds first courier company DHL was born. And then, a new Service philosophy and operating mode was introduced into people’s life. And a decade years later, this new Service philosophy and operating mode settled in China with the economic globalization, came to be the initial formation of the courier industry. In 1985, China post established the EMS. With the improving of the quality of people’s life, businesses and individuals have a higher requirements for private goods transport in timeliness, safety and convenience, which resulting in the birth of private express delivery companies in China. And today, College undergraduates and a number of intellectuals have become the pioneer of network consumption. With the increasing competition in the courier industry, private courier companies how to improve the quality of courier service it provides determines it’s exist and growth in campus market. Currently in China, SERVQUAL is recognized as the most mature and scientific method for the study of quality of service. According to SERVQUAL Scale which combining the adjusted conditions best suited to the courier service industry and Chinese private courier companys services case, we distributed questionnaires in Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications a


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