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外文翻译原文及译文 学 院 计算机学院 专 业 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 负责教师 沈阳航空2011年6月Detecting ARP Spoofing: An Active Technique Vivek Ramachandran and Sukumar Nandi Cisco Systems, Inc., Bangalore India Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam, India Abstract. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) due to its statelessness and lack of an authentication mechanism for verifying the identity of the sender has a long history of being prone to spoofing attacks. ARP spoofing is sometimes the starting point for more sophisticated LAN attacks like denial of service, man in the middle and session hijacking. The current methods of detection use a passive approach, monitoring the ARP traffic and looking for inconsistencies in the Ethernet to IP address mapping. The main drawback of the passive approach is the time lag between learning and detecting spoofing. This sometimes leads to the attack being discovered long after it has been orchestrated. In this paper, we present an active technique to detect ARP spoofing. We inject ARP request and TCP SYN packets into the network to probe for inconsistencies. This technique is faster, intelligent, scalable and more reliable in detecting attacks than the passive methods. It can also additionally detect the real mapping of MAC to IP addresses to a fair degree of accuracy in the event of an actual attack. 1. Introduction The ARP protocol is one of the most basic but essential protocols for LAN communication. The ARP protocol is used to resolve the MAC address of a host given its IP address. This is done by sending an ARP request packet (broadcasted) on the network. The concerned host now replies back with its MAC address in an ARP reply packet (unicast). In some situations a host might broadcast its own MAC address in a special Gratuitous ARP packet. All hosts maintain an ARP cache where all address mappings learnt from the network (dynamic entries) or configured by the administrator (static entries) are kept. The dynamic entries


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