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高中英语词汇教学漫谈 讲座提纲 一、英语词汇教学研究简介 二、中学英语词汇教学要求 三、中学英语词汇教学现状 四、英语词汇教学方法探讨 五、教程、读物、词典 六、几点总结 第一部分 英语词汇教学研究简介 词汇的重要性 词汇习得与阅读 词汇知识 “词块”的概念 一些语料库统计数据 词汇对意义表达的重要性 Wilkins (1972): Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Widdowson (1978): Native speakers can better understand ungrammatical utterances with accurate vocabulary than those with accurate grammar and inaccurate vocabulary. 词汇知识促进阅读理解 An improvement in reading comprehension can be attributed to an increase in vocabulary knowledge. (Beck, Perfetti, and McKeown, 1982; Kameenui, Carnine, and Freschi, 1982; Stahl, 1983) Increased proficiency in high-frequency vocabulary also lead to an increase in reading proficiency. (Coady, Magoto, Hubbard, Graney and Mokhtari, 1993) 阅读是习得词汇的主要途径 Krashen (1989;1991;1993a; 1993b): Reading is the most efficient means by which to acquire new vocabulary. Krashen (1993b): Free voluntary reading is the optimal form of comprehensible input; reading provides “messages we understand presented in a low-anxiety situation”. 词汇知识与阅读理解的关系 Vocabulary knowledge correlates more highly with reading comprehension than other factors, including morphosyntactic (形态-句法的)knowledge (e.g., Koda, 1989; Qian, 1999; Ulijin Sirother, 1990) and reading strategies (e.g., Haynes Baker, 1993) Successful comprehension is heavily dependent on knowledge of individual word meanings. Vocabulary learning and processing are equally dependent on comprehension. Word knowledge 词汇知识 Orthographical form 拼写形式 Phonological form 语音形式 Meaning 词义 Grammatical behavior 语法特征 Associations 联想 Collocations 词语搭配 Frequency 词频 Register 语域 单词在语境中才有特定意思 Rivers (1968/1981): [students] often fail to realize that meaning is expressed in groups of words and in combinations of language segments, and that the meaning of an individual word is usually difficult to determine when it is separated from a context of other words and phrases. Lexical chunks 词块 Vocabulary items are often not single orthograp


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