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We saw a world of birds in the wood. The medicine did me a world of good. 这种药对我大有好处。 1..There is a world of music out there! What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us. that也可引导主语从句,但在句中不充当任何成分。 你刚才说的话不是真的 What you said just now is not true. 我们将要迟到,这是确定无疑的 That we shall be late is certain. 3.The blues is a way for people to show who they are and what is in their heart. Perhaps the most important characteristic of rap music is the way the artist sing. ----Perhaps the most important characteristic of rap music is the way in which/ that/ 不填 the artist sing. Eg. 我不喜欢他说话的方式。 I don’t like the way in which (that / 不填) he speaks. Attention: This is the way that really works . We must learn to act in ways that do not harm other living things. ( 过去开始而且现在仍在进行的动作) 那本书你读了多久了? How long have you been reading that book? 4.. People have been playing the blues for many years, but the music has kept many of characteristics. characteristic: 特点,特征. 1).和善是他的特性之一。 2).我向他描述了非洲歌曲的特色。 Kindness is one of his characteristics. I described to him the characteristic of the African songs. 5.The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US. = African songs were influenced by American music when the slaves arrived in America. 6.Contain vs. include: 包含,包括,容纳 Contain: 着重“包含,里面装有,” 如:The bottle contains water. 这个瓶子里有水。 Sea water contains salt. 2) Include:include强调“包括作为整体的一部分,”, 如: The list included his name.这个名单上包括他的名字。 7.People still listen to blues and rock, but they also listen to hip-hop and rap. 不但……而且…… still …but also … 我们不但学说英语,而且也学说法语。 We still learn to speak English, but we also learn to speak French. 8. Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock, but they also have their own characteristics have …in common with “与…相同或相似” e.g.我与李明有很多相似之处。 I have much in common with Li Ming. 这两兄弟的长相极少有相似之处。 T


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