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摘 要本文介绍了镁基整流罩压铸模具设计过程,分析了整流罩及其压铸模的特点及要求,并基于Anycasting软件对浇注系统进行数值模拟分析。首先利用Pro/Engineer对该零件进行三维建模。为了得到合格的零件产品,必须先进行生产方案的分析与确定,然后进行工艺计算,进行有限元分析,并进行数值模拟分析。对整流罩压铸成形充型及凝固过程进行数值模拟,根据模拟结果进行成形性分析,为优化工艺参数和模具结构提供了强有力的工具。压铸模具的设计包括工艺参数选择、压铸模结构设计、分型面确定、浇注系统设计、成型零件设计、推出机构设计、模架选择,最后进行了复合模具的三维设计并进行了装配,并进行动态模拟运行动画。最终由模具的三维模型绘制二维装配图和零件图。 关键词:整流罩;压铸;镁合金;有限元模拟;模具设计。AbstractThis paper introduces the design process of magnesium matrix fairing die casting mold, analyzes the characteristics and requirements of fairing and die casting mold, and analyzes the casting system based on Anycasting software.First of all, the use of Pro / Engineer on the three-dimensional modeling of the parts. In order to get qualified parts products,firstly,we must analyze and determine the production plan, then carry out the process calculation, determine the finite element analysis, and carry on the numerical simulation analysis. The numerical simulation of the filling and solidification process of the castings was carried out, and the forming analysis was carried out according to the simulation results, which provided a powerful tool for optimizing the process parameters and mold structure.The design of the die-casting mold includes the selection of the process parameters, the design of the die-casting mold, the determination of the parting surface, the design of the casting system, the design of the molded parts, the design of the parts and the selection of the mold, and finally the three-dimensional design and assembly of the composite mold Dynamic simulation of running movies. Finally, the three-dimensional model of the mold is drawn from the two-dimensional assembly drawing and the part drawing.Keywords: Fairing;Die casting;Magnesium alloy;Numerical simulation; Mold design.目 录摘 要IAbstractII目 录III1. 绪 论11.1 镁合金概述11.2 镁基整流罩简介21.3 压铸成型介绍31.3.1 压铸技术简介31.3.2 压铸发展现状及前景41.3.3 压铸成形的优缺点81.4 本课题主要研究方向92 结构工艺性分析及分型面设计102.1 整流罩三维实体建模102.2 结构工艺性设计102.2.1 铸件壁厚112.2.2 铸孔112.2.3 脱模斜度122.2.4 压铸件尺寸精度132.2.5 表面要求142.3 压铸工艺参数的


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