
IBM ServerX系列服务器基础知识.ppt

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IBM ServerX系列服务器基础知识

* * * Replacing a fixed drive in the industry standard way. In the industry standard environment, in order to replace a fixed IDE or drive -- and this is Dell, this is HP -- you open up the side cover. You remove it. You remove the safety bars. You open the cage. You isolate the cabling. You take the drive out and you get the screwdriver out to replace the drive. * SATA不支持热插拔,只能易插拔;必须关机更换; Let’s see what Xtended Design Architecture can do to an industry standard 服务器. You identify where theServeris. You remove the drive. You replace the drive. It’s very simple, very easy, tool-free access to the drive. Significant differential, even in an industry standard tower 服务器. So the advantages that occur to customers are about 可用性. They’re about reliability. They’re about 可管理性. They’re about 性能. Extended design architecture makes a difference for our customers and our businesses. Our job is to make customers understand that extended design architecture makes a difference. So you’ve seen two examples with calibrated vector cooling and 易插拔s out a drive. We’re understanding what customers want, applying some great technology to make a difference for those customers. In this presentation you’re going to see that there are several examples of where we can do this for customers. These are just two of them. * 以前2路只是用于文件和打印,现在由于2路服务器性能的提高,也开始走一些很比较关键的应用,比如小的数据库。。。 SCRIPT:If your customers have been buying Intel 服务器for several years, then you will remember that essential工作负载were installed only on 4 路 and higher systems. Those systems had the 可用性 features and the 性能 capabilities that customers needed. With the last generation of Intel 处理器 and the associated systems, customers could get the 性能 they needed to begin deploying 2 路服务器as 应用程序 服务器. Systems like the x345, which was introduced in 2002, offered customers high 性能 and high 可用性 that gave customers the confidence to move essential 应用程序 to 2 路 Intel 服务器. Customers could move beyond simply 文件和打印工作负载wi


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