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Noncoding Sequences、Noncoding RNAs and Noncoding Gens生物信息学课件
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * miRNA-induced transcriptional gene silencingPromotor asscoiated RNA miR-10a inhibits hoxd4 transcription Transfection studies Hoxd4 expression is inhibited by miR-10a Anti-miR-10a increases hoxd4 expression Inhibition not mediated by the 3’UTR Nuclear run-on assay confirms transcriptional inhibition Transcriptional activity in the promoter region of a target gene is required for siRNA-induced transcriptional silencing PNAS 2007 siRNAs targeting hoxd4 promoter-associated RNAs inhibits hoxd4 expression siRNA targeting the pri-miR-10b stem (but not loop) inhibits hoxd4 expression miR-10a/b can’t suppress their own immediate coding gene expressions miRNAs induce transcriptional gene silencing by targeting promotor assocaited non-coding RNAs miR-10a inhibition of hoxd4 correlates with increased promoter methylation Human fetal Brain Rnomics Human fetal Liver Rnomics 预测了人类三号染色体上的非编码基因 (have predicted noncoding genes in chromosome 3 of human genome) 人类基因组完成图的绘制是基因组研究的重要步骤,现国际上正一个基因组、一个基因组的进行。现在6, 7, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 22, 和 Y共九条染色体的完成图的绘制工作已结束,并都发表了Nature文章。我们参加了由美国贝勒医学院牵头的人三号染色体完成图的工作,具体负责NcRNA基因标注。为此我们建立了一套识别NcRNA的软件包。文章已发表在 Nature 440 1194-1198 2006. 人3号染色体上发现的非编码基因 Conservation analysis of small RNA genes in Escherichia coli As 44 out of 55 experimentally confirmed sRNA genes have been precisely located in the genome, the object of this study is to analyze quantitatively the conservation of these sRNA genes and compare it with the conservation of protein-encoding genes, function-unknown regions and tRNA genes. The results show that both sRNA genes and protein-encoding genes display a similar tendency in their degrees of conservation at the nucleotide level. In addition, the conservation of sRNA genes is much stronger than function-unknown regions, but much weaker than tRNA genes. Linear fit of degrees of conservation versus evolutionary distance for four kinds of genomic regio
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