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喷射成形A356铝合金半固态挤压工艺与模具设计 摘 要:本文以φ40mm的喷射成形A356 铝合金坯料为研究对象,通过选择合适的挤压工艺,挤压出综合力学性能较高的φ12mm的铝合金棒材。采用T6工艺对A356铝合金进行了热处理,主要研究对象先是对该试验用材料A356进行不同的固溶处理和时效处理,接着金相显微分析主要观察固溶处理和时效后合金的组织,如第二相的形貌、大小、数量和分布等,然后进行显微硬度试验,再进行拉伸试验,测出其相应的抗拉强度、屈服强度和伸长率,最后通过分析和讨论,得出最佳设计方案。根据所给图形尺寸的计算运用AUTOCAD软件绘制出了该铝合金挤压模具的装配图及所有零部件的二维图,制定出了主要零件的加工工艺。 通过对A356铝合金进行不同工艺的固溶处理,分析了固溶处理对A356铝合金显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:利用优化的固溶和时效工艺处理后可有效减少粗大的第二相尺寸和数量,提高合金元素的固溶过饱和度,可以明显提高铝合金的综合力学性能。 关键词:A356铝合金;固溶处理;时效处理;力学性能 The semi-solid extrusion process and mould design for ospray forming A356 aluminum alloy Abstract:Based on phi is 40 mm A356 aluminum alloy billet injection forming as the research object, through selecting proper extrusion process, squeezing out the comprehensive mechanical properties of high phi 12 mm of aluminum alloy bars.The T6 process of A356 aluminum alloy is used for heat treatment, the main research object, first the A356 material for the test of different solid solution treatment and aging treatment, the main observation and metallographic microscopic analysis organization of alloy after solid solution treatment and aging, such as the morphology, size, quantity and distribution of second phase, etc., and then carries on the microhardness test, tensile test again, measure the corresponding tensile strength, yield strength and elongation, and finally through the analysis and discussion, the best design solution. According to the calculation using graphical dimension AUTOCAD software were plotted the aluminum alloy die-casting molds and all parts assembly 2d figure, worked out the major parts processing technology. KeyWords: A356 aluminum alloy, solid solution treatment; aging treatment ; mechanical properties 目 录 序 言 1 第1章 绪论 2 1.1 A356铝合金研究现状 2 1.2 喷射成形原理 2 1.3 铝的合金化和强化方法 3 1.3.1 加工硬化 3 1.3.2 固溶强化 4 1.3.3 第二相强化 4 1.3.4 晶界强化 5 1.4 铝合金的热处理工艺 5 1.4.1 固溶处理 5 1.4.2 时效处理工艺 8 1.5 本课题研究意义及研究内容 10 1.5.1 研究意义 10 1.5.2 研究内容 10 第二章 半固态挤压模具设计与挤压工艺 12 2.1 凸模的设计 12 2.1.1 半固态挤


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