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Α1 α2 都可以降低眼压 * . * 阿法根代表的是阿法根联合用药组 Reference Simmons ST; Alphagan/Trusopt Study Group. Efficacy of brimonidine 0.2% and dorzolamide 2% as adjunctive therapy to beta blockers in adult patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Clin Ther. 2001;23:604-619. * Reference Simmons ST; Alphagan/Trusopt Study Group. Efficacy of brimonidine 0.2% and dorzolamide 2% as adjunctive therapy to beta blockers in adult patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Clin Ther. 2001;23:604-619. 最后我们再来看下己用拉坦前列素的病人联合应用阿法根和噻吗心安疗效的比较,我们选择了用药一个月和三个月作为测量时间,纵坐标代表基线眼压平均降幅,红色组代表联用阿法要,黄色组代表联用噻吗,图中可以看出,不管是在用药一个月时还是用药三个月后,联用我们的阿法根的基线眼压平均降幅都超过了联用噻吗,相差1.2MMHG,有显著的统计学意义 我们把阿法根定位在联合用药首选方面主要是考虑它的双重作用机理 可以和任何一种联合用药 并不是说他的单独用药疗效不好 而派利明定位为咖啡伴侣 大家就可以看到 不可能只喝伴侣不要咖啡 肯定是咖啡加伴侣 这就说明他在单独方面效果比较次 * This slide shows the concentration of BAK in commonly used glaucoma medications. Note the five-fold range in BAK concentration between the drugs with the lowest (levobunolol) and highest (latanoprost and fixed-combination latanoprost/timolol) concentrations. BAK can accumulate in ocular tissue and higher concentrations result in increased corneal damage and conjunctival cell infiltration.1,2 Cumulative exposure to BAK should be considered in patients requiring treatment with multiple glaucoma medications. Timolol maleate gel-forming solution is preserved with BDD. Like BAK, BDD is a quaternary ammonium cationic surfactant that has shown cytotoxicity against a human conjunctival cell line in vitro.3 BAK: benzalkonium chloride BDD: benzododecinium bromide References 1. Noecker R. Effects of common ophthalmic preservatives on ocular health. Adv Ther 2001; 18: 205–15. 2. Noecker RJ, Herrygers LA, Anwaruddin R. Corneal and conjunctival changes caused by commonly used glaucoma medications. Cornea 2004; 23: 490–6. 3. Debbasch C, Brignole F, Pisella PJ, Warnet JM, Rat P, Baudouin C. Quaternary ammoniums and other preservatives contribution in oxidative stress and apoptosis on Chang conjunctival cells. Invest Op


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