Business Activity Mdeling业务活动建模.ppt

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Business Activity Mdeling业务活动建模

Business Activity Modeling Nick Lambrou University of Westminster Business Activity Modeling The technique provides a pictorial representation of the business which helps tease out the requirements, focus on the areas of concern, put the system into perspective, inform the clients of what is possible and what is in the realm of ‘science fiction’, while never alienating them in any way. Business Activity Modeling When used properly, Business Activity Modelling can increase user participation and encourage users to build a sense of ownership for the future system. Business Activity Modeling Business Events Business Tasks Activities Tasks Business Activity Modeling Business Events Business Events Trigger the Activities of one Business Task Business Activity Modeling Activities An Activity is a self contained action that usually is achieved in one sitting Business Activity Modeling Tasks An Activity can be broken-up into tasks. The tasks involved in completing an activity may vary according to different conditions. When an activity is complicated, we may analyse the activity by breaking it into tasks and then reconstructing these tasks. Business Activity Modeling Notation A business activity Business Activity Modeling Notation The phrase describing the activity should contain a verb which shows what happens from the business point of view. Thus ‘Customer Appointment’ won’t do since it is verbless. Similarly, ‘Ask For Appointment’ won’t do either since it depicts the customer’s point of view. Business Activity Modeling Salon Example Business Activity Modeling Salon Example In typical pictorial fashion we can display all the business activities on a page large enough. We can then link those activities with arrows indicating associations which show, in some loose form, which activities have to precede which. Business Activity Modeling Salon Example For example, the following activities regarding a single appointment are evident in our Salon: a receptionist ta


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