DTI Basics – Water Diffusin Magnetic Resonance Imaging DTI基本–水扩散磁共振成像.ppt

DTI Basics – Water Diffusin Magnetic Resonance Imaging DTI基本–水扩散磁共振成像.ppt

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DTI Basics – Water Diffusin Magnetic Resonance Imaging DTI基本–水扩散磁共振成像

DTI Basics – Water Diffusion (DTI – Diffusion Tensor Imaging) Why USE DTI MRI Tumor Why DTI MRI (more recently): Fiber Tracking 3rd level of complexity Diffusion Tensor Imaging Basics Measures water diffusion in at least 6 directions Echo-planar imaging (fast acquisition) Collecting small voxels (1.8 x 1.8 x 3mm), scanning takes about 10 minutes DTI ellipsoid measure 6 directions to describe Tractography FA + color (largest diffusion direction) Proton spectroscopy (also can do C, O, Ph,.. Nuclei) Looking at protons in other molecules ( not water) (ie NAA, Choline, Creatine, …….) Need mmol/l of substances high gyromagnetic ratio ( ) Just like spectroscopy used by chemist but includes spatial localization Important Concepts What energies are used in each modality? How does the energy interact with the tissue? How is the image produced? What is represented in the image? What are important advantages and disadvantages of the major imaging modalities? What are the fundamental differences between the Xray technologies (2D vs 3D, Radiography vs CT vs Fluoroscopy)? What are the two major types of MRI images (T1, T2), and how are they different? How are Angiograms produced (both Xray and MRI)? Why are the advantages of combining imaging modalities? Important Concepts probably no use Tractography DTI Scalar Parameters Trace: Magnitude of diffusion in a voxel. Increases in damaged white matter Fractional Anisotropy (FA): Measure of directionally-restricted diffusion. Decreases in damaged white matter The Diffusion Tensor, D Diffusion is not equal in all directions (anisotropic). Use this to probe brain structure! Represent the diffusion pattern at each point in the brain using an ellipsoid. Diffusion Vector (Colour) Map The three magnitudes of the diffusion ellipsoid can be shown using three colours (RGB). Red = Left – Right Green = Ant. – Pos. Blue = Sup. – Inf. Map of major directions of water movement in the brain. Fibre Tractography In prin



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