Exercise Programs for lder Adults Faculty Listing运动对老年人——教师上市.ppt

Exercise Programs for lder Adults Faculty Listing运动对老年人——教师上市.ppt

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Exercise Programs for lder Adults Faculty Listing运动对老年人——教师上市

Risk of Injury Consider the learning curve. Watch form and technique. Use caution when performing any eccentric contractions due to the potential for increased muscle soreness and longer recovery period. Consider any pre-existing conditions or illnesses the older client may have. Consider medications effect during exercise session. Strength Programming Guidelines Be aware that the senior will tend to move and progress slower. Design program to emphasize function. Work only through the pain-free range of motion ? No Pain! Program Structure Should consist of exercise to improve the ability to: Stabilize the torso Push Pull Grip Get up down Move Stabilizing The Torso Activities: All activities of daily living involve the torso. Muscles: Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominus, Obliques. Exercises: Stability Ball Sitting Marching Arm/Leg lifts Catching drills Pushing Activities: Need to move furniture, kitchen activities, putting things away, shopping cart. Muscles: Triceps, Pects, Anterior Deltoid Coracobrachialis, Serratus Anterior. Exercises: Wall push ups Fwd/overhead med ball press Squeezing a balloon Seated chest press Shoulder press Push up Pulling Activities: Need to rake leaves, open doors, laundry, groceries from trunk, picking up the cat! Muscles: Lats, teres major, post. delt., biceps, traps, rhomboids. Elastic tubing exercises: Rowing Vary Angles Seated Row Reverse Flys Grip Strength Dexterity Activities: Need to open lids, use tools, writing, eating, sewing, buttoning, etc. Muscles: Forearm and intrinsic muscles of the hand. Exercises: Towel rolls, ball squeezes, rubber band exercises, dexterity drills, progressively tighter jar lids (series). Getting Up Down Activities: Needed to climb stairs, getting in/out of chair/car, toileting. Muscles: Quads, gluts, hams, torso. Functional Exercises: Ball Squats, chair squats Lunges Step ups Traditional Gym Exercises: Leg press Hack squat Smith Machine Squat Abduction/Adduction exercises Avoid:Leg extension due to s



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