Extragalactic Absorption Lines Observed from Arecibo从阿西博观测银河系外的吸收线.pptVIP

Extragalactic Absorption Lines Observed from Arecibo从阿西博观测银河系外的吸收线.ppt

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Extragalactic Absorption Lines Observed from Arecibo从阿西博观测银河系外的吸收线

Extragalactic Absorption Lines Observed from Arecibo Chris Salter (National Astronomy Ionosphere Center, Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico) Principal Collaborators Tapasi Ghosh (NAIC, Arecibo) — Especially Emmanuel Momjian (NAIC, Arecibo) D.J. Saikia (NCRA, Pune, India) Neeraj Gupta (NCRA, Pune, Arecibo) Karen O’Neil (NRAO, Green Bank, WV) The Arecibo 305-m Radio Telescope Observing with the 305-m Telescope Observing Complications Double Position Switching (DPS) Double Position Switching II HI and OH Absorption in CSS/GPS Sources HI and OH Absorption in CSS/GPS Sources II HI and OH Absorption in CSS/GPS Sources III HI and OH Absorption in CSS/GPS Sources IV HI and OH Absorption in CSS/GPS Sources V Cooling Flow Cluster, Abell 2390 OH Satellite Lines in Arp 220 OH Satellite Lines in Arp 220: II Damped Ly-? Absorber Search * Diameter = 305m; Platform Height = 137 m; Frequency Range = 327 MHz – 10 GHz Pointing Accuracy ~ 5 arcsec (rms) Sensitivity ~ 11 K/Jy @ 1.4 GHz, (1 Jy = 10-26 W m-2 Hz-1) System Temperature ~ 25 K @ 1.4 GHz Drive Configuration = Simple Azimuth/Elevation Highly Blocked Aperture (Platform, Support cables, Tie-downs, Dome, Dish centre panels, etc.) Accessible Zenith Angle Range ? 19.7 degrees Sky Coverage: 0h ? R.A. ? 24h; –1.4 deg ? Dec ? 38.0 deg Position Switching: Track ON (Target) for t min, then track OFF (Reference) position for same length of time, tracking over the same pattern in (Az, El), i.e. track the ‘footprint’ over the same path on the dish. (ON – OFF) subtracts out standing waves (if they are the same for ON and OFF), while OFF provides a reference bandpass. Thus, (ON – OFF) / OFF normally supplies a “standing-wave free”, bandpass-corrected, spectrum. HOWEVER, if the target radiates continuum emission, as well as spectral lines, the quantity (ON – OFF) does not at all cancel the standing waves due to that continuum emission, and the (ON – OFF)/OFF spectrum is degraded by



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