Multicycle conclusion coursecswashingtonedu结论coursescswashingtonedu多旋回.ppt

Multicycle conclusion coursecswashingtonedu结论coursescswashingtonedu多旋回.ppt

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Multicycle conclusion coursecswashingtonedu结论coursescswashingtonedu多旋回

March 12, 2003 Multicycle conclusion My office hours, move to Mon or Wed? Plan: Pipelining this and next week, maybe performance analysis Today: Microprogramming Extending the multi-cycle datapath Multi-cycle performance The multicycle datapath Finite-state machine for the control unit Implementing the FSM This can be translated into a state table; here are the first two states. You can implement this the hard way. Represent the current state using flip-flops or a register. Find equations for the next state and (control signal) outputs in terms of the current state and input (instruction word). Or you can use the easy way. Stick the whole state table into a memory, like a ROM. This would be much easier, since you don’t have to derive equations. Pitfalls of state machines As we just saw, we could translate this state diagram into a state table, and then make a logic circuit or stick it into a ROM. This works pretty well for our small example, but designing a finite-state machine for a larger instruction set is much harder. There could be many states in the machine. For example, some MIPS instructions need 20 stages to execute in some implementations—each of which would be represented by a separate state. There could be many paths in the machine. For example, the DEC VAX from 1978 had nearly 300 opcodes... that’s a lot of branching! There could be many outputs. For instance, the Pentium Pro’s integer datapath has 120 control signals, and the floating-point datapath has 285 control signals. Implementing and maintaining the control unit for processors like these would be a nightmare. You’d have to work with large Boolean equations or a huge state table. Motivation for microprogramming Think of the control unit’s state diagram as a little program. Each state represents a “command,” or a set of control signals that tells the datapath what to do. Several commands are executed sequentially. “Branches” may be taken depending on the instruction opcode. The state ma



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